Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Trailer

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Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Trailer

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Welcome to Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4!


Fortnite JUST POSTED This!

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Battle Pass


Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Battle Pass (Full Showcase)

It's HERE!

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Battle Pass

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Battle Pass Trailer


Fortnite JUST ADDED Him in Todays Update! (Deadpool NPC)

Fortnite JUST POSTED This!

Fortnite JUST REVEALED This!
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Although I believe we are getting a new Doctor Doom there is no wayyyy hose they are going to do the RDJ Doctor doom 2 years before the movie


So upset I missed the og marvel season 😢 and og Deadpool


You in every game:🏆
Me in every game:☠️


Bro your videos are great but can u please stop with the clickbait it brings people away from ur channel not towards it


Finally someone who’s saying the poi might be castle doom


I really hope for a Mystique like character.. am doubtful, cause I want it to happen lol


I’m 0 years old🎉each like to this video I become 10years older❤


If we do go back to the Chapter 2 map then we might see the last reality again because if Fortnite dose do a another end chapter live event but remixed then they should be back

And I hope the seven return as well


Lmao you put infamous iron man from marvel contest of champions on the thump nail


You guys and your clickbaits…do you even know what a trailer is?


Here is what my battle pass for next season will be: Infamous Iron man as tier 100, Sue Storm, Gwenpool, War Machine, Geno as the secret skin who is one of the people I believe to be the Wanderer, the Legend being Jones in his Seven suit as he may be getting his own Seven suit next season, Cyclops, Colossus
Now here are item shop skins that I think we will see: Doc Ock because he was mentioned somewhere, the rest of the members of the Fantastic Four, and Iron Man mark suit I think is what it's called idk what other skins they could add as I don't know too much about Marvel
Now here would be my story for ch5 s4: Iron man has returned to the island but as Dr. Doom and he would be the same and he is working with Megalo Don and Geno for building a new IO but also to destroy the island and Jones and Hope work with the Oracle and Magneto to bring Marvel heroes to the island and Hope opened Pandora's box making herself powerful but not corrupted and Jones built himself his own Seven suit and the Legend and Hope get the Underground back together and they recruit Oscar and Nisha and Valeria and Montague come back after being gone for a long time and Valeria and Montague also join the Underground and Wolverine is with the Marvel heroes and the Marvel heroes that get brought are the ch2 s4 ones except Iron Man because he is back but as Dr. Doom, X-men, Vision, Gwenpool, Fantastic Four, War Machine, Iron Man Mark suit, and many more Marvel heroes and Magneto and Wolverine are with the Marvel heroes because Magneto gives up his villainous ways and then the Legend and Hope go to find Slone and they find her and she becomes apart of the Underground with the Legend and Hope taking her to the hero base and Infamous Iron man stole Dr. Doom's Ice Moon weaponry from Dr. Doom and Infamous Iron man is building his Time Machine which will be important later on
Presenting ch5 s4: Doom
Now here are the mythics: every mythic from ch2 s4 except for Black Panther's, Dr. Doom's Mystical bomb would be Infamous Iron Man's Mystical bomb as Infamous Iron man would modify the attack, Dr. Doom's gauntlets would be Infamous Iron Man's gauntlets which would be like the Iron Man repulsers, Magneto's powers would return, the Legend's rift rifle, Geno's powers, War Machine's mythic would be similiar to Iron Man's repulsers, the actual Iron man repulsers would return but reskinned for Iron man mark suit, and Infamous Iron Man's Ice Moon weaponry
New weapons and items: Super Launch pad able to launch 2x higher in the air thanks to the Nitro as Infamous Iron man created it using Nitro, Anvil Launcher v2 and Iron man Mark suit created it, Dual SMG and Iron Man Mark suit created it, and Striker Burst Rifle v2 and Iron Man Mark suit and Slone made it
Fortnite Mares event lore: the Nothing brings the corrupted Seven to the island and Amie and Paradigm return and they help the Legend and Hope and the Loopers help free the Seven and the Seven are freed from control of The Last Reality and they including Paradigm and Amie join the Underground and the Underground is then a very strong team
Mini live event: we see Infamous Iron Man's Time Machine malfunction as Infamous Iron man put the coordinates of the release date of ch2 s2 and we see ch2 objects rifted in to the island
Final battle story: the Marvel heroes and the Underground go up against Infamous Iron man, Megalo Don, and Geno but the villains can't be defeated so they win


I wish they fortnite bring in Blue Marvel


where's the trailer lil bro? ._. The Fortnite clickbait strikes again


Why must dusney try to own everything...
Well, it will never own creepypasta or scp containment breach ...right


Hope you grow and can be recognized as the year goes by ❤❤😊


When will season 4 end?i want to know now😢




Boysandlottatoys- Infamous keep up the good work. W vids
