Scotty! - The BEST New Brawler Concept & More Update Ideas!

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Scotty! - AMAZING New Brawler Concept & More Update Ideas!
#BrawlStars #ReyBrawlStars

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Time to Brawl out! Round up your friends and get ready for an epic multiplayer slugfest! Unlock a variety of rowdy game modes and dozens of rough and tumble characters with punishing SUPER abilities. Shoot 'em up, blow 'em up, punch 'em out and win the fight!

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Time to Brawl out! Round up your friends and get ready for an epic multiplayer slugfest! Unlock a variety of rowdy game modes and dozens of rough and tumble characters with punishing SUPER abilities. Shoot 'em up, blow 'em up, punch 'em out and win the fight!

This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is not responsible for it.
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You should call these kinds of videos ‘Concept Report’


Ok, im bored so lets go scotty time

Description: Scotty throws cards from her bag in an arc, covering an area in a fan shape. Each card deals moderate damage and can hit multiple enemies within the area.
(nerf later lol)
Attack: Card throw
Range: Medium
Attack Width: 30-degree angle
Projectile Speed: Medium
Damage: Moderate (each card deals individual damage)
Ammunition: 3 cards per reload
Damage per Card: 600
Number of Cards per Throw: 5 (Throws 1 card at once, with a 0.2 second delay each)
Total Damage per Throw: 3000 (if all cards hit the same target)

Super: Special Delivery

Description: Scotty throws a special package that explodes upon hitting the ground or an enemy, scattering explosive cards in all directions and dealing area damage.
Range: Long
Explosion Radius: Large
Impact Damage: High at the point of impact, moderate for the scattered cards
Additional Effect: Enemies hit by the main explosion are stunned for 0.8 seconds, getting knocked back.)
Impact Damage: 2000
Damage per Scattered Card: 550 (If the card isn't touched in 1.5 seconds, it explodes)
Number of Scattered Cards: 8
Total Potential Damage (if all scattered cards hit the same target): 4400
Total Potential Damage (impact + all scattered cards hitting the same target): 6400

Gadget: Express Delivery (couldn't think of another gadget)

Description: Scotty uses her scooter for a quick dash forward, leaving a trail of cards that deal damage along the way.
Distance Traveled: Short to medium
Damage per Card: Low, but multiple cards can hit the same enemy
Charges: 3 uses per match
Damage per Card: 300
Number of Cards in the Trail: 10
Total Damage (if an enemy travels through the entire trail): 3000

Star Power 1: Piercing Cards

Description: every 3 seconds without attacking, the cards thrown by Scotty's main attack pierce through enemies, allowing them to hit multiple targets in a line.
Effect: Increases damage potential in scenarios with multiple aligned enemies.

Star Power 2: Urgent Delivery

Description: Every 5 seconds, Scotty's next main attack slows enemies hit for 1.5 seconds.
Effect: Adds crowd control, making it harder for fast enemies to approach.


Since Scotty throws letters it would be really interesting if her damage is based on how many times youve been shot, kinda like the blood butcherer weapon in terraria. her attacks have a base damage that could increase up to whatever times


I have a new brawler concept.

Name: Mimic

Look: a red, black, and white clown. The right side of his face is black with a smile and the left side of his face is white with a straight face, his left eye has a little black tear under it. His whole body is black and white checkerboard except for his arms and the sides of his body(under his arm pits and on the sides of his legs).

Base attack: shoots one card, medium range

Super: long range dash, if hits an enemy brawler turns into that brawler; base attack turns to that brawlers attack, lasts for a certain amount of time.

Second super: when as a different brawler the super changes to a ground smash(no matter who it is) stunning everyone in area and turning back to normal. Both supers load after four shots(here in case you want to go back to normal sooner).

First gadget: makes it so super can go through walls

Second gadget: next two shots do double damage so super can load faster

First star power: when switching brawler, you stay as that brawler longer

Second star power: has 4 shots instead of 3 to load the super faster

Hypercharge: super now does damage on contact, and you last as the switched brawler for longer

Hope you like it!


7:14 Bro my friend was watching this part and asked me with the most confused face I had ever seen from him: "Was the heck is a Jackpot? Is it rare?"
Yes, bro, it's rare. It's called "Jackpot".
Then I realized he has been playing rather intensely since end of 2019. And he hasn't got any Jackpot rewards. In 3 ½ years


91% !!!! Rey finally listened to the comments! :D


I think scotty might be a support brawler who can blind opponents with Junk mail for around 4s
There main attack would probably be like tara's but long range and 1 projectile. But 2 ammo with really quick unload speed.
Starpower1: The more targets the main attack goes through will do an additional 12% damage to the next one
Starpower2: Adds 55% more Junk mail to the opponents screen.


Attack for Scotty.
Main:Paper cut, throws letters at brawlers
Super: Bag drop, drop a bag that hurt where it lands, after it lands letters come from it


I would really like that mastery extension, because I don't play my main that much after mastering him.


One of Scotty’s losing voicelines could be “don’t shoot the messenger!”


It would be cool to see something involving each trios.
Where like, if you have them (for example shelly, colt, spike) all at gold 3 (or maybe gold 2) each time you play aa one fo those 3, mastery points accumulate for a special reward themed around that trio; be it an animated profile picture or a super cool title like "high noon" for this trio specifically. OH OR MAYBE at the start of the game when it shows like the brawlers, if you have all three eqquiped(u and your friends) it would instead show something simialr to the old loading screen??but animated???? IDK this sounds xool and ill definteky expand on this in the future. GUYS IF U HAVE ANY MORE ADDITIONS AND IDEAS, THEY ARE WELCOME


I've got a brawler concept
Name :( not yet decided)
Backstory: a failed prototype of 8 bit was thrown in the enchanted woods where it was absorbed and fused by a mysterious creature . Now it has powers of both technology and the woods
Attack: throws balls of poison (same amount as 8 bit) at enemies
Super: opens a portal to the shadow realm for friends and enemies where his and his companions stats are increased by 10%


Scottie should attack kind of like fang, swing her mail bag then some letters fly out and go further dealing lesser damage


Rey so you wonder why siege is gone is because i didn't went well so they deleted it


OMG! We will get a new brawler from castle courtyard and ghost station or bizzare circus


Reminding rey to charge his phone day 4(Btw youre my favorite bs creator)


Scoty can maybe be like a reverse collete where she deals static amount of damage but heals her team by how much health do they have tick(500+) frank(2500+)


4:49 in the past, there was something like that instead of piggy bank event in the clan


Scotty thrower and throwing her mail to others ant when it lands the mail opens and slows anyone by 25% in that area and her super will be like chucks she puts down mailboxes and then slowly fills it up until it blows if into many mails and slowing a bit more hope someone rads this😅


im happy.. yesterday i got spike, today i pushed 30k trophies, unlocked draco and today got even bibilante and that new gene skin
