Create a Test Case Using TestNG Annotations | TestNG Tutorial Part #2

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In this tutorial, We will create our first test case using TestNG Annotations in Selenium.

Step 1: First we need to set up the TestNG project in eclipse.
(Please follow the instruction explained in the video)

Step 2: How to Create a New TestNG Test File?

Step 3: Now we will write a case in which we will check a website title is correct or not.

Important points:
1) main() method not required for the TestNG method to run.
2) Methods need not be static.
3) @Test annotation is used to tell that the method is a test case.
4) Using Assert class to conduct verification operations in TestNG.

-Selenium setup in eclipse tutorial link:

-Selenium jars download link:

-How to use WebDriverManager:

WebDriverManager Jar download link:

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