How Science Explains Spirituality ft. Abhijit Pradhan | The Ranveer Show 03

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What's great you folks? The present scene includes an immensely intense discussion in regards to the universe of quantum material science politeness of one of the most well-read Indian men alive - Abhijit Pradhan. A specialist with regards to the field of quantum material science and the utilization of the equivalent in the realm of vitality mending otherwise called Reiki. There is a great deal of hypothesis with regards to the universe of otherworldliness and different parts of the equivalent identified with reiki recuperating. Abhijit Pradhan, who is additionally a holistic mentor, talks about how the universe of vitality recuperating functions through the information on quantum material science. Today with the western world selection of yoga and the different yogic practices, because of the different logical examinations. Indeed, even the eastern world is presently embracing the equivalent. This digital broadcast gives a few experiences on what occurs past the domain of quantum material science. Further including to how it impacts this present reality as vibes, reiki, and vitality recuperating. I likewise share my ongoing profound plunge into otherworldly learnings from my Yogic investigations at the YSS or Yogananda Satsang Society of India.

This Indian podcast is hopefully going to spread a lot of knowledge and education amongst the various segments of the society. Ranveer & Abhijit Pradhan sit together to discuss science and spirituality and scientific spirituality.

00:00 - Introduction
02:36 - Anxiety and mental health issues
06:06 - Western scientific proofs
07:32 - What is Reiki?
13:17 - Sadhguru's learning
15:23 - Story from quantum physics
22:17 - About spirituality
24:55 - Meditation around the globe
28:27 - Quantum physics of meditation
31:02 - Advice for 18 year old

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About :
BeerBiceps by Ranveer Allahbadia is the ULTIMATE self improvement & self help channel. We began as a channel only for fitness & health enthusiasts. Eventually we started covering topics such as fashion, grooming, personal finance, etiquette, meditation, mental health, communication skills & even entrepreneurship.

Today BeerBiceps is the home for The Ranveer Show or TRS - India's smartest podcast. A show where we host the country's greatest success stories and try digging out their secrets to success. Every conversation on #TheRanveerShow is intellectual, deep & informational. We cover everyone from entrepreneurs to Bollywood film stars to even athletes. Every conversation is an EXTREME learning experience for the viewer.

Check out my Meditation app: Level SuperMind

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Ranveer innocently explaining what electrons speaks how genuinely he wants to communicate with everyone! Wish you can bring Jay Shetty on your podcasts someday!


This one needs a whole series! Maybe with Abhijeet sir only or other similar people.
If you support this drop a like so that he sees it. (Don't if you're skeptical)


This was This is the kind of conversation I would love to have with someone... But all that people want to talk about is junk. Hats offf Ranveer.... Keep making such podcasts and always keep expanding our minds 😄🔥


Hey Ranveer. It's not about a Western vs Eastern conflict. It is just that the model of scepticism provided by the rigor of scientific methods has more or less given us outstanding results. We have gained great approximations of what's out there and with these approximations we have built stuff that work and solve major problems or make our lives more productive. It is out of this gratitude that science has become our new 'comfort zone'. Scientific sanctification is such a meticulous process and so open to further refinement using impersonal tools of thought, so open to everyone familiar with the foundational concepts required that chances are very high of its claims being right or its errors being amended afterwards.

There is no need to attach meanings to spiritual states because they are just states of mind. They are to be experienced if one seeks bliss. Spirituality is the most productive 'high' that there is. And to understand the metaphysical elements of this state one should resort to science, even if science takes 500 years in explaining what they want.
We really need this western model of thought because it is a profitable bias. I'm glad that people seek scientific validation before blindly surrendering to a narrative. Probably they will miss out on something profound, but one can rarely experience something without appending meaning to it, and when meaning isn't formalized with the rigors of rationality all you get is mayhem and chaos. There's a risk in being spiritual that way. You need solid scepticism and an open receptive mind to get the best of both worlds.


You should get Sudha Murthy on your podcast.😊😊🙏🏻


Do a podcast with Sushant Singh Rajput, he is also into spirituality and quantum physics


Ranveer's so open minded to learning new things that his brain fell off.


Hey ranveer bhai
I'm 15, and through your videos I get to know about many aspects( professions like digital marketing etc.
, spirituality )
You're really my favourite youtuber👍👍


Ranveer alabadhya is my all-time favourite youtuber.... 👑 🔥
I wish i can work with you once in my life....


And kids, that's why they say- "Half knowledge is dangerous."
13:33- Please refer Heredity and Evolution, class 10 CBSE science textbook
16:09- If things in the macro-world are very different than the quantum world (which is true), how are you drawing comparisons between the two which are completely different throughout the video? Isn't that a contradiction?


This is the kind of conversation i wanna listen to.. I don't know why I didn't come across this video when it was released but listening to it a year later is also a blessing.. thank u soo much .. changed my whole perspective on life ❤️


It's just so cool to see guests speak in their own grown up composed manner and Ranveer getting excited about stuff just like any of us teenagers do. Love to see both these energies together!!


"The most well read person I've ever come across" my new punchline to impress people 😉


Dammnnn 😍😍
He has such an uncanny resemblance with Tabla Maestro Zakir Hussain


Why don't you arrange one of the podcasts with Sadhguru?


Get Amish Tripathi in podcast nowadays he is promoting his book 'Ravana' .


You are doing most useful videos... which are opening everyone eyes..
Thank you for doing all these for us bro..


This podcast is really a gift!! I am unable to put my feelings in words but this is surely is something our generation needs to follow.


Abhijit Sir spoke about neuro science. Can you please make an another podcast on Neuro Linguistic Programming and the ways to develop it.
