How to Upgrade Ubuntu 18 04 To 22 04 LTS

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When a new version of Ubuntu Linux is released, in addition to being able to reinstall it by clearing the previous Ubuntu system, you can use the Upgrade method to install a new version without deleting other software and personal information. It is possible to upgrade regular versions of Ubuntu to newer versions, but in the case of LTS versions, you can only upgrade to newer LTS versions without changing the settings. In this video, we are going to teach you How to Upgrade Ubuntu from 18.04 to 22.04 LTS.


it says this after do-release-upgrade "please install all available updates for your release before upgrading"


Just tried it. Your instructions worked like a charm, upgraded me all the way from 18.04 to... 20.04.

According to Ubuntu, upgrades can only be performed by one major revision. While the upgrade was a snap (took about 2 hours), the process was quite annoying. Watching it is like watching grass grow, and as soon as you step away, Murphy's Law kicks in: it prompts you for something.

Hey, 20.04 will be around for a while. But going through that process again any time soon... maybe after my tolerance has had time to build up again 😀


My 18.04 is still installed and not supported. I tried your first command [apt update] and it was unable to unlock various files so I couldn't continue.. Suggestions?


Error for me, /var
How free space I need ?
