Unit 2 Lesson 1 Practice Problems IM® Algebra 2TM authored by Illustrative Mathematics®

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This product is based on the IM K-12 MathTM authored by Illustrative Mathematics® and offered under a CC BY 4.0 License.
Unit Title: Polynomials
Title: Let’s Make a Box
Common Core Standards in This Lesson:
CCSS.HSA-CED.A.2: Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales.
CCSS.HSA-SSE.A.1.a: Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors, and coefficients.
CCSS.HSF-IF.B.4: For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Key features include: intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums; symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity.
CCSS.HSF-IF.B.5: Relate the domain of a function to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative relationship it describes. For example, if the function 𝘩(𝘯) gives the number of person-hours it takes to assemble 𝘯 engines in a factory, then the positive integers would be an appropriate domain for the function.
CCSS.MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Mathematically proficient students make sense of quantities and their relationships in problem situations. They bring two complementary abilities to bear on problems involving quantitative relationships: the ability to decontextualize-to abstract a given situation and represent it symbolically and manipulate the representing symbols as if they have a life of their own, without necessarily attending to their referents-and the ability to contextualize, to pause as needed during the manipulation process in order to probe into the referents for the symbols involved. Quantitative reasoning entails habits of creating a coherent representation of the problem at hand; considering the units involved; attending to the meaning of quantities, not just how to compute them; and knowing and flexibly using different properties of operations and objects.
CCSS.MP6: Attend to precision. Mathematically proficient students try to communicate precisely to others. They try to use clear definitions in discussion with others and in their own reasoning. They state the meaning of the symbols they choose, including using the equal sign consistently and appropriately. They are careful about specifying units of measure, and labeling axes to clarify the correspondence with quantities in a problem. They calculate accurately and efficiently, express numerical answers with a degree of precision appropriate for the problem context. In the elementary grades, students give carefully formulated explanations to each other. By the time they reach high school they have learned to examine claims and make explicit use of definitions.
Unit Title: Polynomials
Title: Let’s Make a Box
Common Core Standards in This Lesson:
CCSS.HSA-CED.A.2: Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales.
CCSS.HSA-SSE.A.1.a: Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors, and coefficients.
CCSS.HSF-IF.B.4: For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Key features include: intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums; symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity.
CCSS.HSF-IF.B.5: Relate the domain of a function to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative relationship it describes. For example, if the function 𝘩(𝘯) gives the number of person-hours it takes to assemble 𝘯 engines in a factory, then the positive integers would be an appropriate domain for the function.
CCSS.MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Mathematically proficient students make sense of quantities and their relationships in problem situations. They bring two complementary abilities to bear on problems involving quantitative relationships: the ability to decontextualize-to abstract a given situation and represent it symbolically and manipulate the representing symbols as if they have a life of their own, without necessarily attending to their referents-and the ability to contextualize, to pause as needed during the manipulation process in order to probe into the referents for the symbols involved. Quantitative reasoning entails habits of creating a coherent representation of the problem at hand; considering the units involved; attending to the meaning of quantities, not just how to compute them; and knowing and flexibly using different properties of operations and objects.
CCSS.MP6: Attend to precision. Mathematically proficient students try to communicate precisely to others. They try to use clear definitions in discussion with others and in their own reasoning. They state the meaning of the symbols they choose, including using the equal sign consistently and appropriately. They are careful about specifying units of measure, and labeling axes to clarify the correspondence with quantities in a problem. They calculate accurately and efficiently, express numerical answers with a degree of precision appropriate for the problem context. In the elementary grades, students give carefully formulated explanations to each other. By the time they reach high school they have learned to examine claims and make explicit use of definitions.