HOW TO LEARN Any Graphic Design Program (Inkscape, Affinity Photo, Adobe Photoshop)

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In this video, I cover 5 "tips" (2 concepts and 3 methods) to help you actually ENJOY LEARNING and help your journey of becoming a graphic design expert!

Being able to use graphic design software at a master level unlocks keys to wealth, whether it is selling high-end print-on-demand art prints or beautiful digital designs. There is no "easy" way to become an expert with computer software like Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, Adobe Photoshop.

However, you can develop the "meta skill" of a learning mindset and master the art of learning itself. As an adult, this is one of the most important skills that any of us can attain.

00:00 Learning Stinks
00:54 The Learning Model
02:34 Ask Yourself This
03:25 Remove This
05:32 Method #1
06:10 Method #2
07:08 Method #3

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I'm mostly self-taught (45 years + years) in computer learning and you are so right in your observations...thank you again for another insightful vid...You have inspired me to practice more with the Affinity apps.


I learn things in segments and then bolt them together before learning the next, then bolt that on and see what happens, making notes as I go. If you want to learn something because it will benefit you then you are more likely to learn faster, so what's in it for you? Oh, and you are never too old to learn, that is the biggest myth of all, I have taught myself more over the age of 55 because I don't want to die of boredom watching the telly! Good video Zen, we all need a pep talk every so often.


My tip is... when your brain and emotions are fighting and want to push the new thing away.... to just sit with the new thing, I.e. the computer program. Don't make yourself any promise to act or do, just open and sit and click a button or 2. This method got me to do homework in school (when I didn't want to) and taught me that just allowing the time and space for the task usually lowers those bad thoughts and feelings by exposing you to the task... and slowly but surely you end up making progress.


Were you reading my mind? 😂🤣 I swear, I try to watch a video, about how to use a program, and I get more overwhelmed.


I own a Cricut and have used it once bc I don’t understand how to use the Design Space software for the particular task that I originally purchased the machine and paid the fee for Design Space . All I want to do is make planner kits for my different planners. I gave up but I’m glad I watched this video. It’s like being given permission to mess up. Thank you for explaining it in a way that makes sense. I’ll be looking for more of your videos and have subscribed👍.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Everything Mr. Z. Watercooler says. I used almost 3 weeks to learn how to make curved text around circular designs in INKSCAPE - partially because I have an exhausting job, partially because it takes me a long time to learn new digital skills . But now I'm an expert at that skill and have made 100s of designs. Now I'm getting ready to learn a new skill. And all the other 50 year olds think I'm *amazing* and have super powers. Keep at it. Time and death are going to come anyway...


Videos are my go-to for learning something new, if it’s a new program, a course with videos works well where it walks you through the program step by step while you follow along and do the task along with them. This is how I learned Photoshop Elements and Procreate. I’m constantly watching more videos to learn new things and up my game.


You are Awesome. I'm trying to learn Inkscape and feel totally overwhelmed. One thing at a I think I can do it now! Thank You!


I an a visual and kinetic learner. I watch a video and then go do what the video showed. Many times I don´t get it right the first few times but somewhere there, I get it. Then I make like a little reminder for myself in word of the steps needed to get the result. Thanks for your imput.


Excellent advice!!! Yes, it's only a failure if you give up. I will keep on trying. 53 and learning more every day. Thanks to you!!!


Spot on Zen! Thank you for this video!


my style is " what does that button do"😀. works well 45 years


Thank you for this vlog. I was so close to giving up on my quest to earn money independantly. I'm trying to reignite some of the artistic skills I imbodied in my earlier years and I wasn't as productive as I had hoped. I'm greatful for your content and your encouragement to others.


Im a visual learner, hence why watching your videos are the best way for me ro grasp what I'm doing, then obviously the kinetic side of repeating the visually learned until it's habit and soaked in. Thank you Z!


Thank you for sharing your tips. I get so frustrated trying to learn software. Have you ever heard of mind mapping? I'd love to see you do a tutorial on that some day. I think Inkscape has a feature that would work well for drawing them, but I forget what it's called.

I saw another tutorial on learning software that recommended switching between the tutorial and the program you are learning as you follow along with the lesson by clicking on the tabs of each. Hope this helps somebody.


Sounds intriguing. I'm gonna try it (I have all sorts of programs I don't know how to use LOL).


I bougth Zen Watercooler book is very informative, and entertaining to read. Also is a motivation book, and encourages you to find the inspiration in the hard work, and improve your skills.


I love the break it on purpose. I can get lost for hours. What happens if I do this or maybe try that? Or hey, lets try this. A skill can be learned easily, you just have to let your imagination be in control.


Thank you. I recently discovered your channel. Very helpful. I've had the download inkscape tab open since last week, still not hit download haha. I am ready to play about! 🙈


Good vid!....sometimes learning new techniques is quite annoying....especially when the person your learning from skips over steps you haven't mastered yet!
