Patch 14.24 Preview | League of Legends

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0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Viktor
4:12 - Warwick
6:09 - Buffs
19:06 - Ambessa
27:16 - Nerfs
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Watching this at 0.5x speed to make sure it’s over an hour


We need this Viktor rework to either be shelved or delayed. I don't personally like the new design, and many others don't, but if you don't change him back, at least give the rework more time. Most of his skins look really underbaked, which is a shame, because I feel like he had a pretty good catalogue before. Those skins getting to the level they once were would be very nice (Death Sworn, PsyOps, High Noon, Creator). Prototype needs a recolor to fit Arcane Season 1 better.

If you ask me, I just wanna keep the Machine Herald, but I can understand if the VGU goes through. Just please take the time to make it good.

And a traditional Viktor skin down the line would do wonders to the perception of this rework


Funny how they used Victors original q sound effect in arcane, and now in the rework they changed the q sound effect


I'm pretty sure at least half the community feels that the Viktor visual rework is undercooked and would prefer it being pushed back by anothet split, irregardless of whether Viktor is objectively weak atm or not.


great warwick changes phreak that left over attack speed feels really really nice for his jg clear and fixes some of the clunkiness to it. thank you!!!


Balancing Twitch around his mains but then also releasing a buff that directly doesn't address any of the issues high elo twitch mains are having with him that are prohibiting their success is strange to me. Hoping for a micropatch because this is an extremely nothingburger buff and 99% of the population of Twitch mains are outraged at this buff. :( I hate being that guy that spreads negativity towards Riot and Phreak but I just wanted to put this out there. Cheers


Jack of all trade does not count Crit damage stats from IE as a stats.


Talon nerfs are hilarious hes not even that strong in high elo rn but you know if an assassin is good for one patch we gotta nerf it right away!!!! if it was udyr or reksai we would let it slide but TALON BEING GOOD nah fk that


Please change Viktor Prototype skin to be like arcane season 1, someone made a post about it and everyone loved


Multiple Phreak videos coming in under an hour? Okay guys, I'm really worried now. Is he okay? Has he been replaced with a body double? If they're not letting you do your normal hour+ videos blink SOS in morse code next time.


Ambessa W "parry" is fraudulent. 25 + 25%bonus AD since you max W last. Change W to give half shield up front and half if you hit an enemy. Creates a real counterplay moment


Please bring attention to the vgu team about Viktor.. it's really unacceptable what they've put forth.


New Viktor visual design sucks to be honest.


So Talon is not even good Midlane and they decided to nerf his MR and passive monster damage because he's some what playable Jungle?


Hi Phreak, the rework is a disaster. I understand that you guys won’t revert it completely but maybe a delay and appropriate changes would be implemented working together with Viktor mains as currently the community is not too keen to say the least.


Are you serious? 5% attack speed buff on twitch? He has been sitting at 44-48%/below 50% winrate for the entirety of split 3 basically and you think adding half a dagger worth of stats on his Q is going to fix that? What a joke. Make it less obvious the champs you dislike/like.


I think the visual character assassination of Viktor would be bearable if his old default skin was made a legacy that everyone got. The twinky hwei skin look is just not MACHINE HERALD in the slightest. Gameplay changes are cool though!


yeah idk what ur talking about with twitch, he doesn't deal damage, his W&E are outdated, he has only 1 damaging ability besides ult and it does little to nothing, ur friend august said the complete opposite he said twitch needs to be around a 51-52 winrate, twitch is played by onetricks not random players, you can give him all the attack speed you want but it does nothing when his auto's deal no damage, overall just another useless buff to compensate for not playing your game.


Plz @Phreak rework Victor W entirely its the only thing Viktor mains truly wanted. What is even there to counterplay against Ambessa or LeBlanc with Viktor W mechanic its an cosmetic ability.


I know youre not at fault for this, but why wouldnt riot ask for feedback on early arcane viktor iterations? He kept his kit and became a completely different champ thematically. Was keeping him a secret worth it?
