Giga structure engineering mod devs taking notes in the background
Perfect distance for Jupiter's radiation belts to fry everything living on the ring.
It's depressing to think that doing this may be easier than traveling to the next solar system over.
I remember in Aeon 14 “Orion war” the author included such a design wrapped around a white dwarf. However instead of mirrors they used gravity tech to bend the light towards the inhabited surfaces.
This level of technology and engineering would be staggering.
The surface gravity might be Earth normal, but the escape velocity would still be five times higher. That's a pretty deep gravity well to climb out of any time someone wants to leave or export anything. What would be the advantage over something like a McKendree Cylinder that you can come and go from easily?
A great idea, and with the added advantage that unwanted trash, nuclear waste, sewage, etc. could simply be dumped overboard.
My issue with strip worlds is that they're never portrayed with a continuous body of water around its circumference. Waterborne cargo vessels would still be the best option.
I haven't done any math on this, but it seems to me that this would require a building material that is impossibly strong to prevent it from crumbling under its own weight. If you spin it to orbit velocity to remove the load, you will also lose the gravity. Also, you would need some biig retro thrusters to keep it in a stable orbit.
This focus on the need to match earth gravity is refreshing to see amongst the decade long media saturation over human colonization of Mars. Of all elements hostile to habitation, the planets low-gravity is both the most guaranteed damaging and difficult to overcome, and yet, when is the last time you've seen this seemingly obvious red flag ignored?
Ringworlds without the extreme materials needed for the spin gravity.
Gravity would hold the atmosphere if the ring is lipped a few kms along the edge. Always a deep blue sky and perfect still weather, oh yeah! Soft summer nights forever: Paradise!
Simulation would be why the nebula that formed the solar system was not harvested by extraterrestrial factions instead.
what would be the benefit? Presumably you'd have access to the elements of the gas giant below, but that's still a huge gravity well to be lifting elements out of.. where would the energy come from? You'd need space elevators pulling up and processing huge quantities of material... also, as a strip world like that, maintaining stability would be a very energy intensive process. This strikes me as something that could only be achieved after colonizing the asteroid belt completely... but then, if you've done that, AND you have space elevator technology, it probably wouldn't make sense to colonize the gas giant like this, so much as to disassemble it to make habitations that don't kill billions if a stabilization thruster goes offline.
How do you get the dirt needed to make land deep enough for common living practices (like agriculture)? Do you grind asteroids?
So. This is a wild association. Those concentric rings kind of resemble a description of biblical angels.
A ring world like this would require walls and a glass ceiling over it, right?
Any atmosphere would just fall off otherwise, wouldn't it..?
Could the Gas Giant be fully enveloped by the infrastructure or is there a practical purpose for the gaps left by the ring shapes?
The massive amounts of radiation surrounding Jupiter I feel would be a serious issue though.
How'd you solve the radiation problem? Because without an atmosphere to protect you, even at 422, 000 km from the surface, which would be similar to the orbit of the Jovian Moon Io, Jupiter's radiation will kill a Human Being within a few minutes.