What Happens to a Human Just After Exposure to Radiation of 100 Sieverts

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In this video, brace yourselves for some of the most hair-raising cases of radiation exposure! What should you never touch in an abandoned hospital? Why did scientists keep messing with a killer core? Which horrifying nuclear incident in the ocean did the Soviets try to conceal? And most importantly, what does intense radiation really do to the human body?

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Awesome. One of the Chernobyl survivors said when he went into the reactor after it blew the roof off, there was glowing water running down the walls. The fireman who were first responders said the neutrons hitting their faces felt like pins and needles, and the fisherman who witnessed it from across a river at night said it was like a super bright star glowing over the plant.


the guy that stopped chernobyl from going supercritical should be given posthumous awards from most european countries


Increase playback speed to 1.25. You're welcome.


The bad part of the radium girls is that while they were exposed and painting those clocks, the people in other parts of the facility wore protection against the exposure, almost like they knew it was bad.🤔


For everyone talking about how they "kept this man alive" and that it was unjust, first of all, his wife and family were the ones who wanted him to continue medical treatment, especially after he lost consciousness during treatment, and secondly the medical teams behind treating him were honestly doing everything they could to save his life. Despite the massive amount of radiation[17 sv] he was exposed to during the criticality, they were vehemently trying to get him through the radiation sickness period so that maybe once the radiation sickness was over, he could make a recovery. 100's of doctors being experts in multiple fields from across the world all rushed to Japan to do everything they could to save Ouchi's life, not "keep him alive tormenting him for science".

I mentioned it above, but for the TL;DR, his exposure was closer to 17 sieverts[sv], and not 100, with 8 sieverts [8sv] being considered the lethal dose.


In regards to the demon core, Louis Slotin called his crazy screwdriver method "tickling the dragon's tail."


One of the worst nuclear disasters in the US took place in the foothills of Simi Valley, CA. They never told the population. As the valley began to grow in the late 1960s and 1970s, tract homes rose up. Entire neighborhoods built up with no idea of what was in the soil and air. Many of us suffered from diseases like leukemia and thyroid cancer.


Ouchi’s probably felt the most pain anyone has felt in the history of humanity. Shocking way to go. Sad and horrific.


I feel varying degrees of sympathy for all the people mentioned in this video, but the one that stands out for his sheer guts is the guy from Chernobyl. I was 17 when it happened, and enough radioactive got out and spread over northern Europe that for a few years afterward, Welsh lamb was banned from being sold for human consumption.
I wonder how many people, knowing that they had just a few days of life left, would do what he did, go back in and work to mitigate the disaster until all but dropping dead? OK, he knew he'd be exposed to more radiation, but he also knew that extra exposure wasn't going to change a thing- he was a dead man walking and knew it. Yet he thought beyond himself and did his best to reduce the effects of the accident on others. You've got to feel some level of admiration for someone like that!

There were a lot of stories going around at the time of the accident. One was that army personnel were being offered inflated wages to go in and try to clean up the damaged reactor. It was never said, but was implied, that none of those that took up the offer would live long enough to spend any of the money they'd earned: I hope that the authorities honoured their promise in the cases of at least those who had families, so that their loved ones at least had some compensation. Tying into this, news got out that the workers involved in the clean-up were being referred to by a certain word. I can't recall now exactly what it was or what it translated into ( something like ' biological cleaning robot'), but the implication was that those directing the clean-up operation were having to attempt to distance themselves from the fact that the people going in were being sent on suicide missions. I don't know whether these two stories are true, but if not, they certainly feel like they could be.
One final point- where, in all of this, is the Three Mile Island incident? It happened a few years before the Chernobyl accident, and should be here but isn't. I wonder why??


Hey! You've just highlighted the wrong city in Brazil. The accident was in GOIANIA. You highlighted the city of GOIANA. Similar names but totally different and far far far apart from each other. Goiania is located in the statenof GOIÁS, in the center of Brazil while Goiana is on the state of PERNAMBUCO, on the northeastern coast.


Boy oh boy I love stories of people in the early 1900s fvckin around with radiation and finding out. 100 years later and doctors still prematurely say "Yep, this is good." about some products and procedures. Humanity's greatest enemies its own negligence, arrogance and hubris of a few people.


3:10 "But back then nobody worried about such details" So in September 30 of 1999 nobody worried about radiation doses? Yeah, the human race was so primitive 25 years ago. We only had Pentium 3 computers, it truly was a dark age.


The early 19th century was _crazy_ about radium, absolutely. That glowy stuff looks magical! Too bad it'll tear your cells apart. Some of the clock dial-painting girls reportedly _did_ ask if the radium paint was safe to put in their mouth, and were assured it was. However, by the 90s, a lot more information was available. The doctors caring for Hisashi Ouchi were far from confused or misinformed. They gathered as many experts in radiation poisoning as they could from around the world, and met regularly to discuss his case.

I hadn't heard the story of the K-19 submarine, though, even in researching for a similar video some months ago. Lieutenant Korchilov and his crewmates who went in to fix the reactor are truly heroes. Most of them were very young too. What a horrible tragedy.


Nobody was confused about what was wrong with Hisashi Ouchi. They knew exactly what was wrong with him. They wanted to see how long they could keep him alive. There was no question of his survival: it was beyond question that he had received way more than the lethal dose of radiation. The only remotely humane thing would have been to let him go as quickly as possible. Instead, they kept him alive, in entirely pointless agony, for months, even resuscitating the poor bastard when he managed to die. Truly despicable.


Nuclear power is the best way we have right now to make clean energy. It just needs to be respected and handled by competent people.


I will take it as a feature, but I find impressive that the narrator can literally sound like he is on the verge of death at every sentence, when talking about extreme radiation.


Just a small addition: The phase, where the patiens feel better is because all the fast multiplying cells are already dead and gone (mucosal membranes) and the slow dividing cells still live (like muscles, skin, organs), but can't duplicate because the radiation destroyed their DNA, those cells live a few days to weeks. Afther that time they die, without being replaced, making the organs fail, from the fastest reproducing cells to the slowest.
The people with extremely high exposure die without that phase of "recovery", because the cells DNA has not been damaged but the cells have been killed outright.
Also the blue glow many have seen is oxygen getting ionized and happens only with extremely high radiation. Most who see it are doomed.


Chernobyl guy, Oleksandr Lelechenko. What a legend, the GOAT!


The doctors weren't baffled. They knew exactly what happened to Hisashi. He'd just been in a criticality accident in a Uranium processing plant. The effects of Ionizing radiation on the human body have been well known and documented since the late 40's. You make it sound like Hisashi turned up to work one day and ended up going to the hospital because he was feeling a bit off lol.
The body doesn't try to get rid of radiation by vomiting. Vomiting is due to the cells lining the stomach and gastrointestinal system being very rapid replaced. The cells had been destroyed by gamma, neutron and x-ray radiation so the stomach lining sloughs off almost immediately because the damaged cells are replaced - hence the vomiting and diarrhea.
Neutrons don't strike and replace each other. Uranium 235 fission's and kicks out a couple of neutrons that can collide with other atoms of U235 and cause them to fission, thus sending out another couple of neutrons and causing a chain reaction - a criticality - when enough U235 is in a high enough concentration in one place and arrangement at a time, causing a criticality accident.


Ancient Aboriginals thousands of years ago told stories of not to go in that land. Had paint on cave walls of people with swollen under arms and grond. Stories told f you do go you will awaken the sleeping Dragon. The land was Uranium rich land. Theses were told to generation to generation. Amazing how the term dragon is always used. They had no idea what the stuff was back in those day.

Sorry guys no source for this information. Was reading up on this a few years ago.
