How to rearrange data in excel #excel #exceltips

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Hi, This is excel magic channel.In this channel we share different type of excel tips.In this video how to rearrange data in excel with ctrl+g shortcut#excel #exceldataanalytics #dataanalysis #exceltips #exceltricks #exadata #exceltutorial #ctrl+g
In Microsoft Excel, pressing Ctrl + G opens the Go To dialog box, which allows you to navigate to a specific cell or range of cells:
Here are some ways you can use the Go To dialog box:
Cell reference
Enter a cell reference, such as T5000
Range of cells
Enter a range of cells, such as A1:F50, to select all cells from A1 through F50
Go To Special
Select all cells that meet certain criteria, such as cells containing formulas, numbers, text, logical, or errors
Fill blank cells
Select the range with the blank cells, then press Ctrl + G, click Special, select Blanks, click OK, type your value, and press Ctrl + Enter
You can also access the Go To dialog box by pressing F5 or by choosing Go To under “Find and Select” on the Home ribbon.
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In Microsoft Excel, pressing Ctrl + G opens the Go To dialog box, which allows you to navigate to a specific cell or range of cells:
Here are some ways you can use the Go To dialog box:
Cell reference
Enter a cell reference, such as T5000
Range of cells
Enter a range of cells, such as A1:F50, to select all cells from A1 through F50
Go To Special
Select all cells that meet certain criteria, such as cells containing formulas, numbers, text, logical, or errors
Fill blank cells
Select the range with the blank cells, then press Ctrl + G, click Special, select Blanks, click OK, type your value, and press Ctrl + Enter
You can also access the Go To dialog box by pressing F5 or by choosing Go To under “Find and Select” on the Home ribbon.
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