The problem with New Years Resolutions and Goals

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Have you ever set a #NewYearsResolution? If so, how long did it last? A day? A week? A month? Studies estimate that 80% of people will have failed their New Years Resolution by February!

We are taught to focus on the wrong question!

Instead of focusing on your goals, focus on your #values

Values are the guiding principles that give our behavior direction. Common values include family, work, health and wellness, spirituality, friends, social engagement, etc.

Instead of setting “resolutions” ask yourself the following questions:

What do you want your life to stand for in 2021?

What is important to you?

Could a stranger watching your life KNOW what you value by watching your actions?

What steps can I take to “live” my values?

Goals without values would be like driving a car without gasoline while blindfolded.

Clarify your values! Then we can link behaviors (resolutions) to those values.

#WKU #TOPCARE #sportpsychology #values #goals #resolutions
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