What Is It About The Ampeg SVT Classic?

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⏰ Timestamps ⏰
» 0:00 Intro Playing!
» 0:20 What We Are Looking At Today!
» 1:05 Cici's Experience With The Amp
» 2:02 Lee's Experience With It!
» 2:28 A Bit of History
» 3:24 Some Specs!
» 5:45 Let's Hear It With Some Gain!
» 8:43 Some Thoughts!
» 10:55 The Price
» 11:53 Cici Tries It With a Distortion Pedal!!
» 13:35 More Thoughts On How It Feels!
» 14:35 Thanks For Watching!

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I worked for AMPEG (1967-69) tested the first SVT as a prototype. lots' of great stories.


My life is made after getting to play through this rig haha!! Loved filming this :)


Cici rocks. She'll be in the middle of an amp demo and she'll be playing the prettiest melody she can think of, slow AF, or searching for the heaviest riff possible. Thanks for bringing the music to the music stuff.


Nice to hear Cici encouraged to play more during these demos. The amp is proper monstrous!


Priceless the smiles on the both of them when Lee kicked that pedal on. ❤


As a guitar player who has attended more shows than I could possibly count- the SVT the best bass amp for live scenarios. It provides a an amazing bass tone that isn’t drown out by the guitars. It’s a bass amp that actually cuts through the mix.


Back in the 80's my Guitar Teacher had 70's SVT with a 8x10 cab. The first thing I did was help retrieve it since I had a truck. I was questioning needing such a heavy rig, but then I got to play it in his basement. Truly an experience to hear (and feel!)


I'm 64, nice to see you younger generation enjoying a staple from my day, btw, I'm not dead yet. When I played professionally, guitar that is. I used an Ampeg VT22, with a Ampeg 2 x 12 cab at 4 ohms impedance. Then I would slave out to an Ampeg V4, but with 6550 tubes instead of the 7207a for the power stage. The V4 drove 2 Ampeg 8 10 cabinets at 2 ohms, the sound was awesome and thank god for roadies. I've since gone digital but that was my favorite setup of all time, over any other setup I had before it. Now quick history lesson, Rolling Stones used Ampeg as well as Canadian rocker band, April Wine. And there are so many classic bands as well as new, where you will see the SVT. Traditional SVT was always light grey Molex, but once you've seen and heard one, you'll always recognize it's shape and sound no matter what the colour it is.


I have a sub under my desk, and Cici's playing is making the whole room vibrate!


I first saw one of these ( with 2 8x10s) in '71. I was in a band sharing the stage with another band and I could not believe anyone would need such a beast. I played in a reggae band 15 years later at a concert and they blew one up, just before I went on. I had a 10 lb Walter Woods 300 watt hand-built solid state amp and that amp and one cabinet (8x10) provided the juice for the rest of the concert. I love SVT's but I will never own one. I've played bass since '67, and still play now. Age 73....


I love that the dB meter in the back went straight to 100dB as soon as Lee plucked one note lol


I used to play in a band with a guy who had one of these and an 8x10 cab... he also ran 2 big muffs. Freaking mahoosive sound.


Cici's RtL clip with the Rick and distortion gave me goosebumps. Ridiculous tones and excellent playing.


I've been around SVTs for half as long as they have been in production. I've never met a player who turns one down as an amp option. The weight of the head is only exceeded by the weight of the original 8x10 cabinet. So nice to see two musicians reveling in a 50+-year-old design. Ampeg got it right and still hits home today. Great video. Loved the different styles and instruments.


Every time Cici rips out some RTL, my dark heart glows brighter.

I bought myself a SVT-3 Pro from my buddy a while back, and just now got me a Pro 410-HLF cab to connect it to. The only thing left is to build me some SpeakON cables today, and get it fired up. I hope I can get it to sound as good as her.


Used to run an SVT 2 into an 8x10 fridge. My back still remembers 30 years later. Awesome ❤


The sound sits so well in a mix. Never played the real thing but it is my go to virtual amp. One day...


My pride and joy is a 90's era SVT iii Pro, through a 15" cab with a 4x10 cab on top. BUT I played a gig once many moons ago where instead of both of us lugging our gear into the club, I used the SVT iii pro with an 8x10 cab that the opening band's bass player was using, and it was the most enjoyable bass playing experience I've had to date. I don't know what tubes he was using, or if any mods to the amp had been done, or what speakers he had in the cab, but it was the bounciest, fattest, growliest, grooviest bass tone I had ever heard, straight into the amp. It sounded so good it was literally almost like the amp was cheering you on with every lick or run that you hit :) So yeah, I'm an Ampeg fan :)


I love the videos with Cici and Lee. Watching them I don’t care for the information and the tech spec. I just love watching them having fun with bass. That’s great. ❤ go on like this.


I’ve been gigging this amp for 12 years now. Not a single regret.
