The Last Jedi's Resistance Ski Speeders Exclusive | Story Behind The Story | Entertainment Weekly

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“The ski speeders are basically heaps of crap” that put the Resistance at a disadvantage. Find out more exclusive details in 'The Last Jedi' Story Behind the Story.

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The Last Jedi's Resistance Ski Speeders Exclusive | Story Behind The Story | Entertainment Weekly
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Rian Johnson also clearly decided not to include an actual battle on Crait. Not one Ski Speeder even fired a shot! Epic Star Wars battle scene bro... Fail.


'Fin has been honing his skills' Has he, because I'm pretty sure the only thing he did between the two films was be in a coma, and where he learnt to fly goes entirely unexplained.


Why do they have the little stick touching the ground instead of repulsorlift to fly? Seems kind of stupid.


I will never understand why star wars always come up with worst possible vehicle design ideas


Rian Johnson seems to have conveniently omitted mentioning that his Ski Speeder is "insired by" an ALMOST IDENTICAL-LOOKING Rebel combat craft from Return of the Jedi: the B-Wing fighter. The scale is different and a few very small details are different, but otherwise this is embarrassingly extensive, lazy plagarizing from the same franchise. The "B" in B-wing stands either for "Bogus" or "Bullshit", and conveniently this also describes the Ski Speeder.


I like that design, as well as the B-Wing Fighters, exactly because they look so different. Actually, I don't like the X-Wing Fighters, as they look so ordinary, like a run-of-the-mill space fighter.


Somehow Rian Johnson managed to work an even shittier craft into a movie with hands-down the shittiest bomber in Star Wars history.

I know the Resistance isn't suppose to have it easy, but this is bordering on stupid impossible and the only real hope they have against the evil armies is by ironically letting the evil army destroy itself. What was even the plan among the ski speeders? Just ram into the artillery and hope for the best? Clearly not with Rose on the team!


The ski speeder Thay like a tbd divastataro torpedo bombers
