This man raised an opossum. Now he thinks they are smarter than dogs.

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This man raised an opossum. Now he thinks they are smarter than dogs.

#opossums #bekind #animals


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GeoBeats is a US-based media company focused on telling inspiring animal stories about animals from around the world. Our goal is to make people fall in love with them and promote compassion and kindness.

On our channel, we feature exciting animal videos. You can watch funny cat videos, funny dog videos, cat and dog videos, animal stories, rescue animal videos, adopted animal videos and a lot more.

I am the guy in the video and am always overwhelmed by the support and love from so many. I recently lost my momma after being her caretaker from battling cancer, and reading sweet comments helps me in more ways then I could have imagined. These comments have made it easier for me during our journey and even now. ❤


I had no idea their lifespan was so short. How very sad. What an incredible story.
What a nice fellow this guy is.


Always remember: An animal or pet may be a small part of your life, but for an animal you were their entire life...


We rescued a baby possum and she lived with our family till age 1 and a half. We named her Pandy and she was super friendly and kind. Possums are a special! ❤


one of natures biggest mysteries to me is why these adorable creatures age so quickly. their metabolism is so slow that they dont even get infected with rabies. its so sad that a species would suffer like this. cudos for the guy that took her in. you are a kind spirit.


I've befriended a mouse at work. It started when I would occasionally see him run across the windowsill. After I found where his hiding spot was, I would leave some crumbs outside for him. Now when I walk by there, I will see these beady eyes looking at me, letting me know he is hungry. He eats from my hand now, sometimes nibbling away, and sometimes he'll take the food and run. I also leave a bottle cap of water for him. he enjoys that.


My God! This is the most wholesome thing I’ve seen all year.

1 to 2 year lifespan?!? That is just heartbreaking.


We are the caretakers of all creatures. You have done a great service in your life, kiddo ❤ Wonderful man.


She was like 9 hours in the wild and thought to herself " yup that's enough" 😂


1-2 years....that's just tragic. I'm convinced that animal caretakers, like this guy, are the toughest people on this planet, because they have to raise and bond with all these animals, knowing one day they'll have to go, one way or the other.


I was not prepared to learn she only lived a year.

Thank you, Dylan, for all that you do.


What a beautiful story! I'm sorry L'il Miss didn't live longer, but she had the best life she possibly could while she was your baby.


What a treasure of a man Dylan is. Not many like him around unfortunately. He brings light to this dark and cruel world.


The world would be a better place if we had more people like this guy.


I didn't realize they were so short-lived. To be so cute, and to bless the world with so much cuteness for so short a time seems tragic. Lil' Miss will be missed ❤


She’s so cute. So is her dad. Thanks for saving her.


I had a male. He was so tiny when I got him my vet actually told me he wouldn't live but I couldn't just give up on him. I called him "little bit" because he was barely anything and I didn't want to "name him" because I didn't think he'd survive (completely hairless, completely pink, mouth still sealed except for a tiny hole in the front, maybe 2 inches from nose to rump). I took care of him around the clock. It was weeks before I finally even considered the possibility that he might live. But he did. He was so affectionate and cuddly. He'd run to me the minute I got home from work. If he was napping he was in my lap. He was so completely trusting. More than any animal I've ever enteracted with. I only had him for 3 years (most opossums don't live that long) but I absolutely loved that opossum.


This was a heartwarming story. I can’t believe they have such short life spans. What a spectacular animal. I adore animals.


I had no idea their life span is so short or that they can bond with humans. Lil Miss was a great friend to have, even if it wasn’t a long time together. ❤️


What a determined person you are! I knew a wildlife rehabilitator who had such difficulties with baby possums. This little one is a true blessing ...and meant to be here!❤
PS, we also moved from Long Island, NY to the country! Southwestern VA, Franklin County. We have a farm, too, and rescue all kinds of creatures. Glad i found this channel!
