OMORI's unused Ending

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OMORI had an art showcase dedicated to the game some weeks ago.. and during it's 7 day run time people discovered some.. very peculiar unused art.. art that painted the ending of the game.. in a dark, foreboding light.. despite it's already dreary nature.

One of the songs in the background of this video is by Casac who does the music for various OMORI mods. Check him out!

OMORI Musuem footage credit goes to Gallerynucleus. Check out the tour here:

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Here's the thing, Omori isn't really evil. He's like a white blood cell, he's only there to protect Sunny from the truth. He is the representation of the dissociative amnesia that Sunny gets to hide from the truth. That's why they hug at the end because Sunny has demonstrated that he now accepts the truth and that Omori is no longer necessary


The look of disgust on Hero's face 0:39

Also I like how their expression are like the opposite emotion of what they felt when they were coping : Hero was sad and now he's disgusted/angry, Aubrey was angry she's sad, Kel accepted that Mari was dead and now he's in denial.


One thing people miss about the battle with Omori is that at this point Sunny knows the truth. He remembers everything. Omori has already decided to work against Sunny and now Sunny is literally fighting the urge to kill himself. In themost corrupted parts of the music, you can hear Mari shouting "Stop it!", her screaming while falling down the stairs, crashing onto the broken violin, and Sunny crying. Sunny is reliving that moment of his life during this battle and the amount of pain and distress he is feeling is immense. This fight couldn't have been done any better or in any other kind of medium


For myself, I'd say that the point of Last Resort and Humphrey being so long is because it's literally the "LAST RESORT" when it comes down to one final area to keep Sunny from lingering too long.


I understand the feeling of wanting to know his friends' reactions to the truth, but that isn't the point of the ending. The entire final portion of the game is Sunny finally being able to forgive himself and Basil for killing Mari.

It doesn't matter what his friends' reactions were. What matters is that he was able to tell them in the first place.


Ironically it is the unknown in Omori that makes it so worthwhile to explore and play. So naturally leaving the player with certain unknowns makes it all the more interesting and impactful


Strongly agreed that Humphrey or whale section felt too long because of the puzzles that made you do the same action over and over again.


I know it sounds weird but I don't really see Omori as so much of a villain or bad guy. For years and years he was Sunny's coping mechanism as he stayed at home surviving as a shell of his former self. Omori helped take Sunny's mind off the source of his issues, preventing him from remembering his mistake. He was less of a bad guy, more of an obstacle that needed to be overcome, hence the two hugging it out after the battle (for better or worse). Sunny's hugging Omori being more of an assurance to him, as if to say 'there's no need to worry about me anymore, I will work through it' and Omori's hugging Sunny after he lost the battle being more 'Don't worry, it will all be over soon'.


The Final Duet was the nail in the coffin. I kid you not, I no longer wish for more, I and everyone else have all that we need. A final goodbye to the sweetest and most complicated big sister to date. It was a moment we should all remember.
It's not about Sunny, it's not about his friends. But about the journey, how everyone made it so far, and how they grew up and fell down together to only come back in a stronger light.

If you ask me the final battle while sort of overly dramatic, maybe even terrifying makes a ton of sense, they aren't gonna handle the truth well... and that's OKAY. We can imagine it in any way we want but what we got was so good I couldn't be happier for how it ended.
This game is years in the making and we should appreciate how it ended because the ending is one if not the best endings you could ask for in a video game.


it ends without showing the reactions because thats not the point of the game. not the message its trying to share. one of the countless analysists said it and they were so so very right: the point of healing isnt wether someone else forgave the person. its wether or not the person forgave themselves. that is the only way they can be truly free


i've found myself wishing for a sequel, prequel, anything on occasion, but if i'm being honest i wouldn't have omori any other way. the main themes of omori - forgiveness, guilt, and friendship, and the title of the good ending as the 'true ending', make it pretty clear that sunny's friends would forgive him. but since it doesn't explicitly show that forgiveness, it is still a loose end that people can run with creating their own works of fiction going in literally any direction.
so although it is a bit sad to have a story that i care so much about end without confirmation of aubrey, kel, hero, and even basil forgiving sunny, it allows me to love omori even more and think about the games themes and ending(s) in a way i wouldn't have if omocat just showed how everyone reacted/ended up.


Sequel could be after bad ending actually... But instead of following Sunny, we follow Basil trying to cope alone with everything even more, feeling gulty his friend commited suicide after attacking him and so on.


i always figured the inclusion of the "true" ending where you see basil's "something" disappear denoted some level of forgiveness from the friends. them smiling at eachother like that makes it hard to believe that there wasnt at least partial reconciliation between everyone.


Omori is a creation that I do not want to see a prequel or a sequel of. Maybe it could be done, but under the circumstances, I think it's perfect as it is, or as perfect as it's gonna get.


I hate it when you enter some creature’s body in a game but I’ve grown to like Humphrey’s part of the game. It doesn’t even take that long to get through (except when you don’t know that one Humphrey bridge can be moved twice 😃) but it’s better than just walking through his body immediately to the boss. Also we got to kind of know the slime sisters which was nice.


Personally, my headcanon is that if you water the plants in the dream world, they will forgive sunny, but if you don't, they won't really forgive him. I say this because if you water the plants, you get that scene where sunny looks at basil and they smile at eachother, almost like it was sunny going "you were right, they did forgive us!" But if you don't get that scene then you can guess they were angry with him like in those unused pictures!


"The story tells us that whatever happens, there's inner tranquility to letting go of what could happen, and braving it so that your heart isn't so heavy. There's a peace to confronting what you've been putting off and embracing the consequences, no matter what they might be" Beautifully said


in my opinion, the final fight was less of a confrontation of an 'evil' version of the main character, and more of a confrontation of the identity sunny made for himself to escape his problems. omori is the younger version of sunny, the sunny that existed before he accidentally killed mari. the shy, stoic little kid who feared being alone and could rely on his friends to help and keep him company. this identity is the comfort of pretending, dissociating from yourself.

omori and sunny were never two seperate characters, which is why in the end when they embrace each other and omori fades into sunny, that is the moment of acceptance for who he is. though the childlike identity he developed in his dreams is a part of him, he cannot escape who he is in the real world.

i think in the end the point of the game was not to come to an ending full of forgiveness from the people around him, it was for sunny to forgive himself and realise that he was just a child then, that he went through something traumatic and now he has to face the concequences of keeping a lie in for so long. we dont get to see the other characters reactions because it is not our place to judge them whether or not they forgive sunny. maybe the idea is to think about whether or not you would forgive sunny, knowing that he was a child and thought he had to keep this secret for so long. or i just like thinking about that. from a morally philosophical standpoint the game gives a lot to think about.


@6:00 "The final boss doesn't require much strategy" I beg to differ... I've watched probably two dozen+ playthroughs and I've seen different youtubers go about it a different way. Some religiously hold onto the Encore+Allegro thing, while others skip Encore and go straight for Allegro and use Cherish to do a 2nd Allegro and then regular attacks where needed. And sometimes, luck plays a big part too, esp. in the few streamers who get to the final background with the 4 friends. It's a tense fight, and it's only scripted somewhat. What Omori does is entirely random, especially during the last two phases. He can sometimes choose to regular attack you 3-4 times in a row... or he will spam his hair ability 5 times in a row. And there's always that risk.. and I've seen some streamers take ridiculous risks, such as having 150HP left and deciding to regular attack instead of calm down. Sometimes it works and Omori does a regular slash... sometimes they are sent back to the beginning by a falling hair attack. Also, on the thing about Humphrey, well.. yes, Humphrey is long and drawn out. _That's the entire point._ It's supposed to be, because it's Omori's last-ditch effort to keep Sunny away from the truth, to delay getting to Black Space.
