How To Overcome Stage Fright (For Guitar Players)

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This guitar practice video gives you 5 easy tips on how overcome stage fright and feel confident when playing for others.

Playing guitar becomes much more enjoyable when you don't feel afraid to perform for others. That's when you really start to feel like a rock star and feel more inspired to practice. Watch this video to learn how to conquer stage fright.
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You missed the most important rule when playing live and making mistakes: Glare at the bass player or keyboard player, as if it was their fault.


Standing up while practicing is very effective.


The thing that "fixed"me was the realization that the audience is 100% on my side. The audience doesn't want me to fail, they want me to succeed, so they are my partners, not the judge, jury and executioner. That mindset fixed stage fright for me..


Fav tip: I'm going to be okay with it
And have fun 😀


I intentionally play near a open window in my apartment building that face also the rear parking lot where there is a lot of people coming and going at enough volume to be herd but never enough to bother anyone and I see their reaction, that put me in a state of discomfort but it help me mimic the stage while I practise.


My favorite tip is playing with a tone different than what I am used to. This will make me MORE confident when my sound is good!


Great video Mike! One thing that changed everything for me was in a masterclass with classical guitarist who told me when the nervousness shows up say, "Hi nerves, welcome, I wondered when you would arrive. Now let's have fun." When you fight it that creates more mistakes.


Been playing for 30 years, and must say this is some of the best advice I've come across. I agree with all of this, in its entirety. Well done👍


Nice vid Sir, playing live is a whole different beasts than playing in your room (on a headphones lol). As guitarist myself, in a melodic black metal band and in one punk band I will give some additional advices:

1) Put some self gluing reflective tapes (like the tape-arrows that you'll put on a book pages) on your dots at 3rd, 5th etc. up to 12th fret I'd say. And trim them so they're not sticking over the neck. They are easier to see at darker environments you'll encounter on stage. Secure with more transparent glue tape over them if needed.

2) Use factory build sandpaper grip picks because your hands will sweat, or make some yourself, google it. There are more ways to do it (with sandpaper, or by cutting their surface with a knife to get a grippy texture).

3) Put 2-3 picks in your pocket in case you still drop a pick and then can't find it on a dark messy stage floor (and your solo is coming!). My friend is sticking tip of a picks in a little space beetween pickguard and body of a guitar, he owns a Tele.

4) If you're a long haired dude like myself and don't want to put your magnificent hair in a ponytail during a show then don't always practice with your hair in a ponytail, release it! It's totally different story when your hair is in your eyes (and mouth...).

5) Practice standing up! Walk around while playing. While you're not walking spread your legs a little, get a stance!

6) Practice banging your head if you're a metal dude! It needs to be practiced too! It can totally fuck up your rithm if you try to do it on a stage for a first time.

7) Dim the lights in your practice room, use only a desktop light or something small and turn your back on it so it's not illuminating your guitar neck. This is where reflective tape helps.

8) If you're a blind bat like myself don't wear glasses while practicing if you don't plan on wearing them while playing live. And please don't wear them if you plan on banging your head...

9) With all of the above, reherse with your band, especially before a show, not five days before a show but some month before it, at least two time s a week. If you guys are killing it while rehersing all of you will be waaay more confident on a stage.

10) Buy some decent guitar cable and use it only while playing live because there is nothing more embarrassing than plugging your shitty old cable in somebody's else amp and it starts to make weird cracking noises as you turn it up and the owner of that amp is looking like he's going to axe you while you're explaining to him that it never happened before. I know it from a first hand, total confidence crusher, and you didn't even start to play. Keep that cable somewhere where it's dry and closed. Use it only for a stage! You'll probablly never have to buy another one for that purpose. And be sure it has some lenght (I went with 6 meters).

11) If you're wearing some bulky boots in your metal band or some other not-everyday shoes while playing live put them on sometimes and press a few pedals with it because it'll be weird to do it on stage for the first time.

12) Ask for "tone rehershal" before the show in the club you'll be playing at so you can find some decent tone on unfamiliar equipment, and take a picture of a eq settings so you can dial it when you get on stage.

12) Practice and practice! But when it comes to show, let it go! Let yourself go man! Imagine that you're THE BEST guitar player that club ever had and have fun, do mistakes like a boss! Because you will, trust me. :)


One thing that perpetuates the myth of perfection is the live albums we listen to are often very edited in post production.


This man just saved my life. I recently joined a band, and my biggest fear ever is playing in front of people. It's happened before where I played a duet up on stage and my hand accidentally slipped and I messed up the whole performance. Since then I could never build the courage. Although, it's been my dream to join a band. So thanks so much for these tips, it is very much appreciated


I'm a long run guitar player with lots of experience playing live and those tips are absolutelly on point! I had to face those issues all by myself, with no adivice, and it is great to have someone throwing some light at those problems. Great video!


I love/missed your videos mike, you always give the best advice and you speak in a way where you can easily spot your problems and the best way to fix them right away, thanks.


This was the best video i watched today, youre underated


I almost had to relearn playing when i started a band. Standing up changes your left hand angle and if youre like me, you get used to playing with your right arm rather than your wrist while sitting so then you gotta learn to play with your wrist


Started playing shows in September just played a show last night and got another one tonite….i started playing bass last year joined the band with a month of experience learned all the songs in time. I’ve played live before as a vocalist but never as a string player. I always catch my mistakes and I’m my own worse critic. After a couple gigs and apologize for my bad playing the band just said “they didn’t notice” no one is perfect and they don’t except anyone in the band to be. Being told that really changed my mind set here I am trying to be perfect and I’m just tripping on myself ever since then we’ve had a lot more shows and I’ve had a blast on stage every time after that. Play and have fun Remember we are there to entertain and to have a good time and show people what we are made of….I’d like to see a lot of the people in the audience try and do what we do. It takes a lot of guts to be up there and play so just remember how brave we are as musicians throwing our selves at an audience. Heads up eyes open big smiles move around!


I completely agree with all of this put in the work as much as you can and it'll all just come naturally. Mistakes come and go just keep going


Best tip for me was not to expect mistakes. The point is to have fun. Practice the songs more and know your material. Great tips ! ! For me, I'm my own worst and loudest critic and I do it while I play. . . . . . . . it's an ugly place to be in while doing what you love doing ! ! I try to pray before I play. For me, this works.


This is channel is ASAP SCIENCE for guitarists, Good Job.
