Thanks for the video, doe this setting make it better at going uphill?
Hello I would like to know why put the p12 at 0? what does no torque mean?
Hi, do you recommend this scooter.
I’m sceptical about the control panel/speedometer breaking if the shutter falls. Is it made of metal or plastic?
You know what wiring to fix the throttle error (error2) to mess w? My scooter won’t work after buying new throttle/dash
Hello, I see your setting P7 is on 25, what is your speed ?
Mine is on 30 and I have 25km/hr limit.
So i just saw a video saying the exact opposite that from the 1-5 settings 1 is for kids/beginners and 5 is the fastest most powerful setting. You can't both be right?!
у меня hero s10, как провода замкнули от перегрева. заменил провода замкнутые. типер больше 20 не едит.
Tell me please how to change the speed on 1 and 2 gear? I have Joyor s5 and 1 gear is only 7 km/h. 2 - 20 km/h. 3 - 35 km/h. But will be nice to have for example on 1 gear - 15 km/h, on 2 - 25 or 30. And 3 - more than 30.
Ich bin ein Spezialist in der Abgrenzung Geschwindigkeit, machen Sie Ihren Roller laufen mehr!!!