The Real Reason People Stutter

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Until recently, the cause of this speech disorder was largely unknown. But a new study may have just found the answer.

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A Root Cause of Stuttering Is Being Pinpointed in the Brain
“Now, thanks to advances in brain imaging, more and more research — including Maguire's own — is proving that a dominant factor behind stuttering may indeed lie within the brain. The latest research, published in the journal Human Brain Mapping, found that blood flow is reduced in the Broca's area — the region in the frontal lobe of the brain linked to speech production — in people who stutter.”

Reduced Perfusion in Broca’s Area in Developmental Stuttering
“We detected lower regional Cerebral Blood Flow (rCBF) at rest in the stuttering group compared with healthy controls in Broca's area bilaterally and the superior frontal gyrus. rCBF values in Broca's area bilaterally correlated inversely with the severity of stuttering and extended posteriorly into other portions of the language loop.”

Stuttering linked to reduced blood flow in area of brain associated with language
“A new study demonstrates that regional cerebral blood flow is reduced in the Broca's area -- the region in the frontal lobe of the brain linked to speech production -- in persons who stutter. More severe stuttering is associated with even greater reductions in blood flow to this region.”

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Special thanks to Jules Suzdaltsev for hosting and writing this episode of DNews!
Special thanks to Jules Suzdaltsev for hosting DNews!
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When you have a really good joke but, never mind


Ive been stuttering all my life and no one understands how hard it is just to communicate in daily life


Who else stutters, but also talks super fast that other people can't understand you. No one? Okay.


When i talk alone i never stutter but when I’m with friends and family. I stutter so much that they don’t know what I’m saying at first, so i had to repeat it again slowly.


One of the biggest struggles with having a stutter is not being able to say or not having the confidence to say what you're thinking. For me this often comes up in a class room setting, or any type of learning setting, and I have a question to ask or something to add, but I don't have the confidence to speak up due to my stutter. It's really a shame since I know everybody who stutters feels the same way, and everybody has been in those sorts of situations before.


I used to have this problem until I realized you can't stutter while singing. So now, whenever I feel a stutter coming on, I pretend I'm singing my words in a flat tuneless song. Works like magic. And listeners hardly notice the difference.


With as many people posting about their own stutters, I feel much more normal, and relaxed about my own. Thanks!


The hardest thing to me is to introduce myself in class😢😢


I lost 2 jobs that payed me over 2000 a week because of stuttering


My stutter is in a vicious cycle with my social anxiety; they seem to feed off each other. Sometimes my blocks are so bad I can't even stop and take a breath. It's like I'm paused. It isn't fun, especially during a phone call.


I only have a little bit of a stutter, but I absolutely hate it.


Whenever I stutter or can't get a sentence said, I tap something with my hand, usually my leg, to "trigger" the sentence. Sometimes people notice it, but it helps me get through my presentations or even casual conversations, idgaf what other people think.


One of the hardest things for me is standing up in class to say my name I don't struggle with my first name but I do with my family name . One of the hardest things ever ...


"Normal" people have no idea what it feels like being self-conscious and spending way too much energy trying to have the most basic conversations... "oh yeah just breathe, think of what you wanna say and then say it" LOL


When you try to roast someone, but you stuttered...


my stutter gets so bad that I bite my tongue while struggling to say something. I am a straight a honors student and I have been called names before because of my speech problem. it pains me when people say "just take a deep breath" or "calm down" because if it were that easy, there would not be any stutterers. my dream is to be an actor and I intend on doing that so hopefully scientists can come up with a cure. sometimes I order something I dont want at a restaurant because I can't pronounce what I actually want. I get nervous when someone asks me any unexpected questions and I immediately choke on my words. I've accepted it but I still hope I can beat it someday.


I stutter sometimes and feel my thoughts go faster than my words and I mess up :d


I misread that title as "The Real Reason People Suffer"


People make fun of me in class when I read. They say that I can't read :(


I m happy that I found my own Community🙂😅
