I'm not sure what frequency the SPI runs at. When I was testing, what I had the sampling frequency to worked best, so I stuck with it.
I could use one of those. Thank you for the tutorial.
Great Video!
I was curious however... Doesn't the SPI run at 4MHz? so when sampling it you would need a sampling frequency of at least 8MHz (Nyquist frequency) so as to avoid aliasing?
I enjoy you videos, I am New but this arduino stuff, is great. I have made some cool stuff already. I can see why you call yourself HumanHardDrive. Is it possible to do a inductive loop for a automobile.
Thanks Chris.
sorry I should of put this somewhere else but thanks again!
Awesome video as always man! I'm planning on programming a buzzer/mic system that will measure how audio perceived loudness varies with air pressure. The assembly will be sent up in a high altitude balloon and collect readings. Can anyone offer me any tips, suggestions, or things to watch out for with this project? Thanks!