SAP MM How to create materials using MM01

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Picture 1: Type MM01 in command field and press Enter or click MM01 in SAP menu: Logistics / Materials Management / Material Master / Material / Create (General) / MM01 - Immediately
Picture 2: Type materials number, choose industry sector and material type. For trading goods, choose HAWA
Picture 3: Select views and click on Org. Levels button
Picture 4: Insert Plant, Storage location, Sales ogranization, Distribution Channel
Picture 5: In Basic data 1 view insert Material name, Base Unit of Measure, Material group and Division
Picture 6: In Sales: sales org. 1 view insert Tax classification
Picture 7: In Sales: General/Plant view insert Availability check, Transport Group and Loading Group
Picture 8: In MRP 1 view insert MRP Type
Picture 9: In Accounting 1 view insert Valuation Class and Price Control. Save.
Picture 10: Info: Material created
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The mearial 0001 you type sir but my type bar not an view
