Difference between Public and Private Nuisance

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Assalamualaikum to all, here I explained about Difference between Public and Private Nuisance. A public nuisance is when a person unreasonably interferes with a right that the general public shares in common. A private nuisance is when the plaintiff's use and enjoyment of her land is interfered with substantially and unreasonably through a thing or activity. Today I have shared with you the differences between public and private nuisance that you will catch the important points and remember the clues easily.
By Sadia’s Doctrine you will know the Nuisance, in law, a human activity or a physical condition that is harmful or offensive to others and gives rise to a cause of action. A public nuisance created in a public place or on public land, or affecting the morals, safety, or health of the community, is considered an offense against the state. And a private nuisance usually is caused by a person doing something on his own land, which he is lawfully entitled to do but which becomes a nuisance when the consequences of his act extend to the land of his neighbor by, for example, causing physical damage. A private nuisance is actionable in tort.
This two things must you prove to win a private nuisance tort, In order to be actionable, the nuisance must have caused the plaintiff to suffer a substantial interference which affects the use and enjoyment of his/her property.
So if you have any questions please inform me through the comment box. Thank u

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