АСД 3 фракция ПРОТИВ Грибка ногтей, заболеваний кожи. Презентация.
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For the treatment of fungal diseases of the nail itself, it is necessary to simultaneously use ASD2 for oral administration and ASD3 on the nail. Arguments: nail fungus means a decrease in immunity as a whole in the body, and just ASD2 strengthens the immune system. How to prepare a solution for drinking ASD2 I have several video tutorials on the channel, including a video tutorial. And ASD3 is used as follows: before treatment with Dorogov-based antiseptic, the feet are lowered into a bath prepared from water heated to 40 ° C and ground laundry or tar soap. Steamed nail plates are cut with manicure scissors and slightly rubbed with pumice. ASD-3 is mixed with any vegetable oil in proportions of 1:20 and applied to the foci of the fungus at night, and preferably for 24 hours (for example, on weekends or on vacation). A compress from the mixture is applied from above and covered with parchment paper so that the ointment remains in full on the affected area. Then everything is fixed with a bandage. After the set time has passed, the product is removed, and without rinsing, it is treated with the drug again. Treatment continues until the growth of healthy tissues of the nail. I treated the nail in a slightly different way: I did the compress only at night, and in the morning I washed off everything with warm boiled water and applied iodine to the diseased nail, generously lubricating everything around the nail and the nail itself. And at night I repeated the compress from ASD2 with oil. It took me a month to fully recover. At the same time, I drank ASD2 in the morning on an empty stomach 1 cube, diluted in 100 ml of cooled boiled water. The treatment will take at least one to three months.
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