What's the biggest plot twist you've seen in real life?

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What's the biggest plot twist you've seen in real life? During the last year of my grandfather's life, he had dementia and was having trouble keeping track of reality. Before he was placed into hospice, he kept complaining about a man that was in his house. He would say that he would come around at night and that he was taking his things and using his stuff. Grandma, of course, kept reassuring him that she was the only one there. His doctor increased his medications because he was losing touch with reality so badly. Fast forward to my grandfather's funeral, and a man showed up that wasn't known by more than a few people in the family. Turns out, he was an old friend of my grandmother's who showed up to give his support. In a small town like that, it wasn't exactly an unusual thing to have random people show up to the funeral home who knew the person at some point. Well, about a year later, my grandmother let slip that she is seeing someone—the guy from the funeral. At this point, nothing too odd; they got to talking at church, and we thought it was sweet. Then, a bit later, sweet innocent old grandma mentions that it's their third anniversary. Grandpa died two years prior. This man was the person that Grandpa saw in his house every night. He was the reason that everyone thought Grandpa was going crazy. He was the reason that my grandfather was medicated to the point of being a vegetable for the last horrible.
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