4K UHD | Resident Evil 7 – PC Min vs. Max Graphics Comparison

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We compare the graphics of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard on PC with minimum and maximum graphics settings. An overview of the graphics options can be found at the end of the video. Due to some graphical bugs we did not use very low with shadow quality, instead we chose low, because of very heavy shadow flickering with the lowest setting. Setting reflections to on instead of variable caused strange shader bugs. We used SMAA instead of TAA or FXAA because it gave the clearest image quality.
Wir vergleichen die Grafik von Resident Evil 7 Biohazard auf dem PC mit minimalen und maximalen Grafik-Details. Eine Übersicht über die verwendeten Optionen gibt es am Ende des Videos. Wir haben bei manchen Einstellungen nicht die niedrigste oder höchste Detailstufe wählen können, da das einige Grafikfehler ausgelöst hat. So flackern die Schatten auf sehr niedriger Einstellung stark, bei Spiegelung auf "An" kommt es zu Shader-Fehlern. Bei der Option "Variabel" kommt der Fehler nicht vor. Wir haben uns bei der Kantenglättung für SMAA entschieden, weil sie hier von allen anderen Möglichkeiten (FXAA, TAA und FXAA + TAA) das schärfste Bild liefert.

Captured with BlackMagicDesign Decklink 4K Extreme 12G

Music: Digital Juice – Boat House

System used in this video:
GameStar-PC Ultra
Intel Core i7 6700K 4.00 GHz
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
Windows 10 Pro 64bit

Our second system:
GameStar-PC Titan
Intel Core i7-5820K 6x 3.3 GHz
16GB DDR4 Crucial Dual Channel 2133MHz (2x 8GB)
ZOTAC GeForce GTX 980 Ti Amp! Extreme Edition 6GB
500GB SATA III Samsung 840 EVO SSD
2TB SATA III Western Digital Red WD20EFRX
Windows 10 64bit
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The only big difference was the stone. Everything else looks amazing even on Minimum graphics.


We compare #ResidentEvil7 on PC @2160p resolution with min and max graphics. Due to some graphical bugs we did not use very low with shadow quality, instead we chose low, because of very heavy shadow flickering with the lowest setting. Setting reflections to on instead of variable caused strange shader bugs. We used SMAA instead of TAA or FXAA because it gave the clearest image quality. If you like our videos, please support us! Like the video or subscribe us or visit us here:


Why does low look so good in newer titles??? I use to recall a time when games use to be a blurry mess when you set them to the lowest settings.


It actually runs pretty smoothly on highest settings as long as shadows are not set to Very High. Also I'd recommend playing with BT.709 color space for more atmospheric dark environments, even though SRGB looks a bit better in comparison. All in all, the game is nicely optimised for medium hardware and provides around 80+ FPS on GTX 960.


i love this one, when u want to show graphics there must be BT.709 but those people just "allright, all - right, but still on SRGB"


I know that I can play this game at max settings but I gotta say that it looks really good on low settings too.
It might be worth to go with a lower graphic setting and set the resolution to 4k for a much sharper picture. The only downside to the lower graphic settings is shown in this part of the video: 1:12
Otherwise there is not really a huge difference.


glad to see they actually put in the effort, volumteric lighting, AO and textures are the things I noticed


It's amazing how good games look nowadays. I wouldn't even mind low settings, even though I can most probably max it out.


LOL some of the scenes look better on MIN


Chromatic abberation is making me sick


This game seems really well made to look as good as good as that on minimum settings is amazing, at least it means people who aren't able to spend a shit load of money on hardware still get to enjoy the game and it give you that feeling of missing out by playing it in lower settings


Does anyone know if there's a video explaining the "parasite vs zombie" thing? I remember in Resident Evil 1 - 3, everyone was full-on zombie, but 4 and up, they just turn into crazy humans.


Pc gamers be like

"The min settings is unplayable. It makes my eyes hurt and I get dizzy"


I don't think we're really ready for 4K60fps ULTRA gaming yet, well we technically are but it's not cheap, I would still stick with 1080p Candyland, because most people play at 1080p or 1440p would be great because then the framerates are far better and yeah !
Great video, as always !


Music is F ace, dunno if part of the soundtrack or self produced by Candyland? Cannot find info on Digital Juice – Boat House.


02:21... is it me or Min. looks better?


Like when I was playing the BF1 beta over night I had to drop my settings to low for some reason, high->low could barely tell the difference unless looking close.


if they removed the min and max you wouldnt even be able to tell which is which except for the close up stone detail


Great looking game on minimum. Would always be good to see the FPS comparison though. If its FPS difference is minimal, then the "high" and "minimum" label might not make a difference. If minimum settings actually greatly improves the FPS, then this is a very well optimized game.


Is pretty cool that games now don't look like shit when on low specs.
