Worst Airports and Airlines for Delays - 10 Travel Tips on Flight Disruption

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2022 summer travel is mad! Long queues, delays, cancellations, and missing baggage. Sharing with you the latest data on the most delayed airlines and airports around the world. Think twice before you travel!

Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) had the highest number of flight cancellations in Europe after its pilots went on a strike. The troubled airline has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the US. Eurowings is another carrier that has cancelled about 8% of their flights last minute.

Toronto Pearson Airport saw the most flight delays in North America, followed by Dallas Fort Worth and New York-JFK. 46% of Air Canada flights ran late. In the last 30 days, an average of one out of five flights a day arrived behind schedule in the U.S.

I am also sharing some useful tips on how to travel these days. Fly in the morning on non-stop flights, bring only carry-on bags, download airline apps, knowing your rights and being patient are some of the key takeaways to survive delays and cancellations.

At the end of the video, an aviation expert talked about when we will expect a smoother travel experience and how to fix the current problem.

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10 useful tips on how to travel these days:
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I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching it.
Please share your good travel tips to make travel smoother in the comment below.


It's crazy, they fired staff during lockdown, gave no bonus or incentive for the staff who stayed and as result they are all burnt out. THEN they created flights KNOWING they only had limited staff. They had plenty of time to hire staff. Airlines can only blame themselves.


" Trust takes years to build, seconds to breaks and forever to repair"
That's an amazing quote right there 🥰.


I was an airline worker for 13 years in Canada before the pandemic closed the borders. I have since not returned. Found a much better job which also pays a lot more. Many of my former co workers also did the same. We didn’t want to come back. Bad job, bad company, bad customers.


Yup, I was one of the unfortunate travelers arriving to London Heathrow from Phoenix on June 19th when the luggage buildup started at the airport. Our flight was delayed 3 hours, but we made it to connecting flight to Helsinki as that flight was delayed too. Our luggage didn’t make it to Finland, and we ended up getting it delivered to our home in US instead FOUR weeks later! Flying nonstop from Helsinki back to US was a breeze; on time and no luggage issues. No long lines either. The tech on security line in Helsinki was fabulous, didn’t even have to take shoes off or electronics out of the bags. Updated, fast machines.


Thanks Swissport and airlines like Qantas who sacked their own internal operations and outsourced it to the lowest bidder. The Airlines don't care how much their customers are inconvenienced, it's all about making a profit no matter what.


About a month ago, I flew from Amsterdam Schipol Airport to Barcelona, Spain. Although the check-in was relatively fast, the security line took 4 hrs and 47 mins. My flight left at 5:00 PM and thank goodness I heard about the craziness at Schipol and arrived at 12:00 PM. Though this seems super early and intense, I barely made the flight. I searched frantically for the terminal/gate and got on the plane. After 1 1/2 hrs delay, FINALLY we took off. Terrible experience I'm considering reporting the airport. I'm pretty patient but this was INSANITY!!!!


The security queue situation is so bad, I can only think it is deliberate. Nice job on this video. I look forward to more.


Thanks for your really useful and informative tips Sam - I now *only* ever take carry-on / hand-luggage where possible and also try to do everything online to avoid any paper print-outs that can get lost. Keep up the amazing works - I'm addicted to your fantastic videos, you truly are the King of YouTube Global Aviation. So much love for you here in London, England my man.


Wow, you KNOW things are bad when Sam suggests alternatives to air travel. 😑


The thing is, both airlines and airports have seen this coming and yet choose to ignore it. I think this is almost criminal


I flew KLM from Amsterdam to Dublin and back this weekend. Both flights were delayed by 1-2 hours due to late incoming flights and further delays because ofg operational issues (there was no pushback tractor available in Dublin, for instance, and the flight to Dublin was overbooked, which took a while to sort out). However, security was OK on both sides (Amsterdam on Friday, ~ 30 min, Dublin this morning ~5 minutes), both KLM crews were friendly and professional and my checked luggage arrived in the baggage hall in reasonable time at both airports. So, while the delays were annoying, my luggage and I did get where we wanted to go.


If you’re flying with HAND LUGGAGE ONLY, pay extra for priority boarding if you can. That way, you’re sure you’ll get space in the overhead bin. Once those are full, they will make you check your bag at the gate and it can still get misplaced or lost (and you won’t have the essentials handy if you put them in the main hand luggage bag).


A few days ago I myself was going to travel with my family to Jordan from Bahrain. Our tickets are staff tickets since my father works at the Gulf Air Airline. But with the number of passengers that were traveling that day our flight got delayed for around 4 hours and once we arrived at the gate our seats were taken and we had to travel the next day. Not to mention the amount of people that were at the airport was unbelievable.


I'd blame the airports and the airlines for treating their staff horribly, causing these terrible situations. Here in Australia, the CEOs of airlines and airports are blaming each other, in one case, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce has blamed innocent passengers for causing this mess, though Qantas has made several poor decisions (including using third parties) to get to this stage. Appaling.


Hi Sam: thank you very much for being such the aviation and travelling watchdog that you are! I live here in Guelph, Ontario, Canada and I wanted to travel to Malta this summer but because Pearson International is in such chaos, I've chosen to travel next summer and by then, hopefully things will die down. And having mentioned all of this, I definitely will take your travel tips into profound consideration! Thanks again!


There's no employee 'shortage', but companies' greed. They've got loads of governments money back in 2020, but instead of using it to keep their airline workers, they went for their own stock buy-backs while firing close to (yes, that's half a million) workers during the pandemic, and now not hiring them back, just because they can draw on stock market profits without actually providing service to their customers.


Sam, these airports knew exactly how many people would be at the airport on any one day.
So they allowed tickets to be sold that could never have been managed by the airports.
Totally negligent and greed driven.


So many of my friends in the airline industry (mostly ground staff) have been fired when covid started and not given any alternative for them to consider returning to the business anytime soon. Most people who work in this industry are truly passionate about what they do and have rather low salaries compared to other businesses. But the way they were treated and let go just lacked respect from ground handling companies, airports and airlines... a lot of experienced people have left the industry forever and what is happening now is solely the company's managements fault in thinking about short-term cost saving and not being able to project themselves further into the future. I feel truly sorry for anyone who is travelling and experiencing all delays but please, don't let your anger out on staff. They are trying their best to come up for their managements short-comings...


After nearly 10 years at a major US carrier, and as a ground employee, I quit back in 2005. As much as I love to travel, I dread commercial airports. The only place that raises my anxiety. From TSA molestation and harassment, endless long lines, delayed & canceled flights due to pilot and crew shortages, IROPS, and dealing with some passengers who are dangerously on edge. I blame the airlines 100% they have truly created a systematic monster. I've since found a better job with higher pay and an excellent pension. I am so glad I left.
