Малыш и Карлсон (1968)🔥 Kid and Carlson 🔥
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Мультфильм «Малыш и Карлсон», снятый по книге известной шведской писательницы Астрид Линдгрен, рассказывает о мальчике Сванте Свантесоне. Семья ласково называет его Малышом, он живет в Стокгольме с мамой, папой, сестрой Бетан и братом Боссе. Ему семь лет, и он больше всего в жизни хочет собаку. Конечно, у него есть хорошие друзья Кристер и Гуннила, но все равно мальчик чувствует себя одиноким. Но однажды, сидя на подоконнике окна, он увидел странного толстенького человечка, пролетающего мимо. Так началось его знакомство с Карлсоном, живущим на крыше. Необычный знакомый оказался большим любителем сладкого, особенного тортов и варенья.
The cartoon "Baby and Carlson", based on the book by the famous Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, tells about the boy Svante Svanteson. His family affectionately calls him Baby, he lives in Stockholm with his mother, father, sister Bethan and brother Bosse. He is seven years old, and he wants a dog more than anything in his life. Of course, he has good friends Christer and Gunnila, but still the boy feels lonely. But one day, sitting on the window sill, he saw a strange plump little man flying past. Thus began his acquaintance with Carlson, who lives on the roof. An unusual acquaintance turned out to be a big lover of sweet, special cakes and jams.
The cartoon "Baby and Carlson", based on the book by the famous Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, tells about the boy Svante Svanteson. His family affectionately calls him Baby, he lives in Stockholm with his mother, father, sister Bethan and brother Bosse. He is seven years old, and he wants a dog more than anything in his life. Of course, he has good friends Christer and Gunnila, but still the boy feels lonely. But one day, sitting on the window sill, he saw a strange plump little man flying past. Thus began his acquaintance with Carlson, who lives on the roof. An unusual acquaintance turned out to be a big lover of sweet, special cakes and jams.