Clash of Clans in 2024 (Bans, Drama, Pay2Win, Future)

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#ClashOfClans #CoC #th16
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Please watch as much as you can and let me know how you feel about each topic:

—Player/team bans
—Creator drama/silencing
—My future in Clash

I don’t normally make these type of videos and I’m not the smartest person who knows all the answers. I’m thankful to everyone who has supported and helped me in my clash journey so far. Y’all are awesome. TBH I don’t know what the future holds for me on YouTube.


Lex is a real one 100%
They didn’t restore my code yet, lifted ban but haven’t restored anything so hopefully things get fixed soon but I feel the same as Lex about the health of the game and the ability to create content long term for the game and be able to support our families is in doubt at the moment


You talking about "how your baby is ur fav part of ur life", is my 'fav part of this video ', like a responsible dad aswell as a responsible creator who knows how his family and this gaming community both needs him❤


Life is ever changing, kindergarten, elementary, middle school, junior high, high school, college, graduate school. Just keep doing what’s best for you and your family.


10:47 “My little daughter is everything to me now” the best part of the whole video. I wanted to apologise i said something bad in the last video by saying “wonder how much bro is getting paid from clash”. I really feel guilty for saying something so awful. I really wish the best future for you and your family. Ur definitely the most respectful person and my fav streamer of clash i love yo soo much homie <3


Sometimes a break does a lot of good; and yeah, TH16 has been rough for content and drama sucks. I'm cautiously optimistic that it will improve.

As long as you're making content, I'll be watching. Even if it isn't CoC


Am a Civil Engineer myself Lex. I took this decision a long time ago. Which you are taking now. It is extremely tough.. Doing your job + Youtube + Playing clash and on top of that you have to give time to your family. On top of that, my parents are senior citizens.. i have to run the hospital multiple times a month. I ve gone through this.. what you are going through now.
Am still doing Clash and Yt coz I love it.. but I also love my family.. and not leaving my job as a civil Engineer. This is where I voice my videos very seldom. Its extremely tough to manage all the things together and be a good Son, husband, father, and Employee all at the same time. I can totally understand your feelings.


You make the right choice Lex. This game and Supercell is not the same anymore. I watch your vids daily and barely comment, but I also play this game for years and now just do my attacks daily to get ores, not even pushing Legends. I for several times want to quit the game, but can't make the decision. This game is no longer a part of my life but something pain in the arse i can't get rid of. Good luck with everything my man.


Love you lex
Been watching you for years now
Always loving your commentary
From queen doing the disco dance in the tornado to those random meme sounds lol
Always here to support you
Never leave us ❤
Good luck with your engeneering!!


You’re my favourite caster tbh, especially your own cast where you can just go wild🤣 my favourite lines: how the turns have tabled, RC doing the disco dance, queen’s doing what queen’s do best


we dont enjoy watching games we enjoy watching lex cracking some jokes out of the blue, no matter which game you will play we support


Changing your lifestyle from being a full-time youtuber to an engineer and doing grad school after four-year hiatus is not easy, but you’re doing it for your family, and that’s very respectable. The game and your loyal viewers will always be there. Good luck, and thanks for uploading your videos!


48yr old family man here. Gaming takes a bit of a back burner for the real world. Go enjoy the family time, it can never be replaced. The older I get the more this becomes apparent.

Love the channel, you are by far my favorite streamer. Thanks for the many laughs!


Man just go do your PhD.
I've completed my master's Im dying for the opportunity to do PhD but it's really hard and expensive to get an opportunity to do PhD. You can figure this out and balance your time. Don't give up stability and security in life


This is why they say that education is never wasted. He pursued what he wanted for years (and is extremely successful) and he still has the freedom to get a good job with free education because he has a bachelor’s in engineering. Education is never ever wasted! Hey Lex, I’ve followed you for almost 2-3 years now. All the best man, I am so sure you will definitely do great in which ever field you choose to be in. I wish the best for you and babynos as well! ❤️


Honestly kinda inspiring you're going back into engineering to support your family. Hope things go well for you


Stuck around to the end. So happy to hear hear your employer is helping to pay for school and it warms my heart to hear about the love for your family. Praying for you in whatever you do going forward. You're awesome Lexnos.


No matter what you do Lex we will always support you! Been following you since th13.. I can proudly you made it to the top mate. I really appreciate your decision in terms of future. I really support that as well. Family is the first thing for every man’s life. But don’t forget you have your YouTube family as well. Will be hard to not see your commentary videos but it’s for better. All the best Lexnos. Lots of love to you and baby Lex. ❤


I stopped playing the game since a couple years ago, but still keep up with CoC esports, mostly via your channel. You're super talented at covering the attacks and making me laugh. You've built something incredible with your YouTube channel. That being said, I agree with your decision to get back into engineering and possibly get a PhD. It's a more stable and probably predictable job, which is good for your family. I think most of your fanbase would understand this. It doesn't mean quitting YouTube (as you acknowledge), but perhaps only focusing on videos you're most passionate about. Of course, you want to focus on your engineering job -- I'm sure it's a big time commitment, and you want to succeed there too.


Whatever you'll do in future !! And I'm sure you will making right decision...We'll always with you to support!!🥰🥰
Lots of love 🥰
