Ukrainian forces 'surprised' by speed and success of their offensive

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The speed and success of the Ukrainian offensive has taken their own forces by "surprise".
Former Royal Marine and documentary-maker Emile Ghessen has been in the Kharkiv region with Ukrainian Forces as they conducted a counter-offensive which saw them take back large amounts of territory captured by the Russians across Kharkiv and also in Kherson.
The former Royal Marine told Forces News: "The Ukrainian soldiers are very surprised with how quick they are clearing villages, towns, all the way up to the Russian border and towards Donbas region."
Former Royal Marine and documentary-maker Emile Ghessen has been in the Kharkiv region with Ukrainian Forces as they conducted a counter-offensive which saw them take back large amounts of territory captured by the Russians across Kharkiv and also in Kherson.
The former Royal Marine told Forces News: "The Ukrainian soldiers are very surprised with how quick they are clearing villages, towns, all the way up to the Russian border and towards Donbas region."