It's Here: The Fed has JUST Pivoted And RESTARTED QE (2024 Economic Recession Imminent)

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Believe it or not, the Fed has already Pivoted. They are now doing everything they can to prop up the markets for the election year by ending their QT program. What happens next is not going to be good for the Job Market and Main Street.

There's a bit of melodramatic tone in my content. But it's because I'm looking out for you!

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I want to make it perfectly clear that my Macro Views is only a part of our Investing/Trading positioning. Many people mistake my cautious view of the economy as us missing out on strong market returns. Folks who follow my work on Substack know that is not the case. Macro is an intellectual conversation topic for long-term investing. I do NOT use Macro for my intraday scalping decisions.


They raise interest rates, but then continue their obscene overspending and money printing. Such a mess


I foresee a recession lasting 2-3 years, and if inflation continues to surge, the Federal Reserve will likely raise interest rates soon. Inflation is causing various issues worldwide, such as food shortages, scarcities of diesel and heating fuel, and significant spikes in housing prices, leading to a potential financial market crash. This global downturn could have long-lasting repercussions. Given the current inflation rate of approximately 9%, my main worry is how to optimize my savings and retirement fund, which has remained stagnant at around $300, 000, yielding almost no gains for quite some time.


I had initially planned to retire at 62, work part-time, and save money, but the impact of high prices on various goods and services has significantly disrupted my retirement plan. I'm worried about whether those who experienced the 2008 financial crisis had it easier than I currently am. The volatility of the stock market is a concern as my income has decreased, and I fear that I won't be able to contribute as much as before, potentially jeopardizing my retirement savings.


The most significant lesson I gained from the stock market in 2023 is that uncertainty prevails, emphasizing the importance of humility. Adhering to a long-term strategy with a competitive edge is key


Now is the time for new college grads to move home and live for free, save every penny and pay off all debt asap! Married people should pay off debt and live below their means. Retired people should live near their children so as they age someone will be able to check in on them to avoid hiring outside help and baby sit for free to help out.


many are not eating out, cancelled vacations, not going to Starbucks, staycations this has also gone up!


The markets are uncertain about the Federal Reserve's plan to raise interest rates until inflation stabilizes. What's the best strategy to capitalize on the current market conditions? I'm contemplating diversifying my $400k portfolio.


I always ask “have we felt enough pain yet to change ?” I am am a married man with 2 children under 4. My wife stays home and I work. I make over 150k a year and life in a home that was under 200k when I bought it 10 years ago. My Mortgage is 2.11% . I have no idea how people are making ends meet. I thought I was doing well for myself but I can’t afford vacations. I could not dream of buying a bigger home right now because they are all over 500k in my area. It’s very depressing and I could only imagine what the kids out of college are facing. When will we change the policies we keep voting for? When will we realize they have effects and debt matters. I fear for my kids future and it’s heartbreaking to me as a parent


Larry, I did like this video. I like that you are trying to really help. The fed can't raise rates because it will look like their calculations are wrong. MIght cause a market panic. Also their credibility to manage things is hit hard. The Fed can't cut rates and won't because inflation is high. Inflation is more likely to go higher since they can't actually raise rates and stamp it out. They are praying that hopefully over time inflation goes down. Paul Volker stamped out inflation in the 70's. Raised rates as high as need to stamp out inflation. 20% interest rates on fed funds rates. Volker's methods worked. It is 45 years since then. The current fed is not following the Volker model. They can't because there is too much debt in the system. Debt to GDP is 130% probably is way higher because I think GDP is not accurate. During Vlolker debt to GDP was 30%. So raising rates will cause a market and economic crash. We have too much debt 35Trillion. We can't recover from that. Debt to GDP will explode. Inflation is like a cancer, it will cause a collapse of our economy also. It will happen slower than raising rates to 20% . The FED is trapped. They are just praying that inflation will go away on its own where they have rates now. In summary, Rate hikes will destroy us or Inflation will destroy us. We are trapped.


Powell's dumb comment 'I don't see the stag, I don' see the flation' is going to be ridiculed next week, today we had the consumer sentiment report coming in at a level only seen in recessions, and next week economists are already forecasting a 4th month of continued increasing inflation.
Big crash incoming.


Investors are extremely alarmed by the impending recession and the Fed's rhetoric of raising interest rates. My $600, 000 stock portfolio has lost 25% of it’s value. Whats the best way to hedge my portfolio to make profit in this coming recession


And let's not forget how the global economy plays into all of this. Economic instability, inflation, and market fluctuations can further complicate matters and add to people's financial worries.


Good stuff. Only note, stagflation is far worse than recession.


From $7K to $45K that's the minimum range of profit return every week I thinks it's not a bad one for me, now I have enough to pay bills and take care of my family.


i think we are being lied to. we are definitely in recession. i do not think we are in stagflation yet. people are still buying and shopping


I’m 40 and I am a switchboard operator. The job is full time and comfortable but pays terribly, so I am shifting to part time this fall and going for a blue collar certificate in building maintenance and management. It is a 1 year program and I won’t have very much debt after I finish… then I will embark in a new career somewhat better paying than what I do now. As a 40 year old man who makes $15 an hour now I am a sitting duck in the economy. But at night after work I either make strange music or I rest. Job too exhausting to work after work.


This was a great video! 😮 thank you! ❤


Best advice heard so far, "keep you job!". With curves ahead, keep it and tighten the belt, we all normal people, paycheck to paycheck type, will need. Unload debt asap and save.


Afraid to lose your corporate job? Learn a real trade- blue-collar, so much demand with so little qualified people. I make over six figures and only work half the year.
