Tekken™7 - How to do some of Jin's hardest combos (The pros Secrets)

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C1. CH df2 into EWHF: do EWHF right after df2 connects on CH is key, in sum, you need an i14 EWHF to get it consistently.

C2. Learn how to buffer dash from F4 no zen, and pay attention the the characters leg in the animation, you want to hit B2 as they're lifting the front leg ready to fall.

C3. Orange speciality, learn wavedashes, then cancel F4~zen into CD~f. As soon as you do CD~f press 3, 1, if done too fast you will get ff3, if done too late 3, 1 will not connect, it gets easier depending on which side you wavedash better.

C4. learn how to buffer CD after ff3, then press 4 for the ws4, the rest is history.

C5. This is a tough one, requires a good knowledge and execution of both buffering and perfect inputs, you don't exactly need EWHF to land this combo, but having an i14 electric not only makes it super consistent but boost the combo damage to 67, learn how to side step right during the hit of ff3, then i14 electric. time your B21.

C6. The 100$ combo and the variant: Microdash can be a pain the ass, but the trick is to make them your daily routine, a little bit every day, remember, it has to be b3~f to connect Jin combos and not just B3.
B3 is i16 while B3~f is i15, and has also a better hitbox, if you land any jin combo that requires a deep dash into b3~f, then you'll get the concept of microdash, its the same thing, only without intervals.
so ffb3~f is your microdash command, remember, ffb3~f and not ffb3 the forward, that will never work.
Easy way to find out the window frame to microdash is as soon as the first b3~f~zen~1 connect, the interval between the first and the second forward can be respectable but from the second forward to the b3~f has to be done really fast.

Any question, put in on the commentaries, subscribe and like the vids if you think this was really help
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Wow dude i haven't seen these combos anywhere. I've been looking for a follow up for counter hit f+4 besides WD rising 4. Thanks for the great work!


Thank you Sensei, will try to execute it later. Keep the Jin vidoes coming.


I know the hardest combo to land in the game and I made it up my self.ok so if it still reading here's how to do it.1st you have to be in rage.2nd you also have to be in a map with breakable balconies.now 3rd sidestep your opponents attack and hit them with a forward x and y same time for xbox if ps4 and stuff.so then you run at them and press a to kick them into the wall but don't break the balcony yet.now use jump backwards and x and y at the same time and you should fo an attack that takes fine a bunch of their health.make sure that breaks the balcony now that ur both down soon as you can touch b but they have to be in the air.adter that they go to the ground and their feet will be in the air now run at them and rage art.keep in mind you have to be jin to do this combo.anyways after that when your rage at hits at that point it will kill then and you win.its a hard and long combo and the moves are risky so only use it if your opponent is kind of bad at the game and somehow got you in rage.id suggest start in practice mode and do it and get faster and faster until you feel confident and can use it in a fight.your welcome for the complicated and almost inpossible combo to pull off trust me it's what people would call high risk high reward.remember you have to be jin for this combo and since I'm nice to cancel the avenger get attack the attack that breaks the balcony just go back twice.


This video is amazing, but seriously, could you lower the game volume and get the Mic off the stick, closer to your mouth? I hardly hear your voice.

Also could you please tell me if this combo works in Tekken 7 (I don't have the game) and how much damage it takes:
EWHF K!, any*, B+3, B+3, B+3~f ZEN 1, 2

By "any" I mean any move but I recommend (ZEN 3+4_WHF).

And if it doesn't connect (without micro/buffer dash), can you try doing two B+3 instead of three? I'd be really glad.

Yeah, I'm trying to find an easier version of the $100 combo.

The combo doesn't work in Tekken Tag 2, ZEN 3+4 doesn't connect and B+3 also doesn't after WHF.


I can do the electrics after the launchers but I can’t get the follow up to continue the combo. Any tips? I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. If it’s my timing or what.


thanks for this bro! Just started learning jin a couple of days ago and was looking for tips on some of these combos
btw, could you tell me why you would use 1, 2, 3 at the wall instead of db+2, 2, 3


The last hit in combo 6 keeps on whiffing. I can't hit it. Any help?


These are near impossible with controller


7:00 fucking hell. I hated learning microdash.


I was trying to do some of these in practice earlier and the bound kept whiffing, i just thought it impossible. Now im really triggered.

FRAME PERFECT HE SAYS FRAME PERFECT... BAH... im not good enough :/


I can’t do the 0:30 combo please help. I cant land the second b+3~f1+2. How to do it right?


Did them all! Still find it hard to do it consistently when doing the microdash combos.


Im sucks at wave dash cuz xbox controller


0:39 that’s $100 Dollar Combo you got there


From Chile greetings! Very good videos! Thanks for explain all great combo of Jin. I have a Fanta arcade with soft rubber. What rubber use Cherry Berry Mango anda Knee?.... you Know?


You helped me a lot! :'D
Thank you very much for your kindness!


i can't even get the first b+3 to connect for the $100 combo


Sensai can you add me in PSN and spare with me 🙏🏽


What about EWHF, 3, 1, b+3, b+3~f+1, 2
