What is Hermeneutics?

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This video lecture discusses the meaning, nature, and dynamics of hermeneutics. It specifically asks the question, "What is Hermeneutics?"


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Thanks! PHILO-notes
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Very well made. I have summarized hermeneutics as '..the attempt to have the most holistic interpretation from all directions of reading, both what's induced textually and what's deduced psychologically. These must be done whilst accounting for the linear progression of what's chronologically certain and keeping speculations on the separate page as much as they too do matter.'


The modern hermeneutic trend tending to understand the author more than the work itself doesn’t bode well for the humanities studies like Feminism or Gender. I would be driven mad faster than Nietzsche from the church if I had to use such framework.


Used an excuse to interpret scriptures any way one wants. That's why for example you have female Pastors.
You just can't. Some mega oriented churches do this.
