What the Reds Did When they Won the Civil War in Russia.

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In this segment of the Russian History with Dr Brovkin the focus is on the last months of the White Regime in the South in early 1920 in terms of Bolshevik policies upon their arrival to the newly conquered territories: the streams of refugees, mass executions, robbery, rape, deportations, as well as long term measures to root out what they called the bourgeoisie, the propertied and educated classes. Dr.Brovkin is a Russian American Historian, author of several books, now retired, used to teach Soviet History at Harvard University.
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If I’m not mistaken, the burning of Atlanta was not even close. The soldiers were still under basic military discipline, there were no mass executions, no sadism. I haven’t studied it in a long time, but to me it seems like two totally different things.


When I see that picture “Poverty of the overthrown bourgeoisie”, it confirms more than anything, my old childhood determination never to have children, the human species doesn’t deserve them. The pressure of my wife changed my mind, like Pharohs mind was changed when she hardened his heart. I can never take back that decision.


I have a question how did the white army deal with food shortages in the front line did they take it forcefully from the peasants or did they negotiate and how it was different from the red army Was it more brutal or less?

and I will be happy if you could answer :)


Animal Farm - the slaves becomes the masters. Thank you for this presentation of a very disturbing event, which carried on when Stalin got rid of people who were too smart for him to manipulate.


This video is much appreciated, though obviously not meant to be enjoyed.
The depth of human depravity seemingly knows no bounds. (Romans 3:15-18) 'Their feet are swift to shed blood, destruction and misery are in their paths, and the path of peace they have not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes.'

The Bolsheviks refused mercy even to their apologists in the Russian emigrant community.
Nikolai Ustrialov the ex-Kadet, a prominent advocate of reconciliation with the new regime, returned home after several years in Manchuria. He was shot in 1937. Some former members of the pro-Soviet wing of Eurasianism were shot or ended up in camps post-exile. Of course the Soviets liked to plant secret agents in emigrant organizations, just as the Chinese do today.


in the west these events are widely unknown. especially since 1945 the
crimes of the reds are systematically "forgotten". thank you for your channel.
