How To Communicate With The Wild | Anna Breytenbach

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Animal communicator Anna Breytenbach describes the process she uses to communicate with nonhumans. What a magical world awaits us once we abandon our notions of human superiority. The relationships we can develop with the natural world can help us to heal our wounds of disconnection.

0:00 How To Get Into The Perspective Of Another Species
1:47 How To Hear Communications From NonHumans
3:11 How To Understand Communications From NonHumans
4:15 What Humanity Is Suffering From
4:55 How We Can Heal Ourselves From Our Suffering

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Sustainable Human is a 501c3 non-profit whose mission is to examine the underlying stories that give rise to the environmental, social, and economic crises of our time and offer new stories that help humanity to live in harmony with each other and the biosphere.


If one really gets into the perspective of a different species, to imagine what it might be like to be that species in their environment, with their priorities, with their dominant sense, and with their ways of going about things, I can literally know from the animals perspective what their motivations are. And for any behavior, there's always a reason that's driving that behavior. And then beyond even the species perspective, we also need to be able to get into the perspective of the individual. Much like humans, different individuals have different personalities, different needs and wants.

Then to set about an empathic understanding, it's not inappropriate to start that with an imagined activity. What might it be like to be that goldfish in that bowl in the doctor's waiting room? And it helps a lot to first imagine their physical reality. Place yourself as if you were on the inside of the bowl looking out and seeing all the surrounding furniture from that perspective. Now imagine what it's like to be wearing that skin and scales or body covering. Once we begin to imagine what it might be like to be inhabiting the five sensory world of that creature, we are laying the very good foundation for us to be able to perceive that individual being's particular experience and thoughts and feelings about things.

When one drops into the relational field that's already there, perception and information just sort of arises and maybe seeps into our awareness more because we are quiet for once and we are focused. Whatever is reverberating through the field becomes available for perceiving and is being done so on the unconscious level. Our instinct isn't something that we have to switch on, nor is it entirely individual. Our instinct is contextual.

And perhaps the art of asking a certain question to sort of pull out whatever just really is important to that other being like they're they're in pain, or they've got a need is what's going to be quite loud on that energetic landscape, speaking from a quantum physics point of view, and so that will automatically come to my attention. But what's happening is that those emissions of what is - thoughts, feelings, circumstance, state of dehydration of a tree, injured left wing of a bird, these have just been broadcast into the space as our thoughts and feelings by the way.

And until those incoming bits of data filter through my mental database of vocabulary, life experiences, emotions, images, and find a match, I wouldn’t know about it. If I'm connecting with a young elephant, who's perhaps been found wandering around and, and separated from the herd, and I'm feeling their separation anxiety, what might come first to my mind is my own personal memory of first day at school when I was five years old because I was experiencing separation anxiety then. And that's because the energy is a match.

So several people standing in front of the same animal might translate the incoming messages differently within themselves, and nobody will be wrong. I might get a memory of my first day at school, the next person might in a very dry, technical way, just see the words “separation anxiety” in their mind's eye, Somebody else might just get the raw emotion.

We are suffering from a great separation sickness ourselves. And in our days of rush, we're kind of crushing our spirits. We have short attention spans, we demand immediate gratification, we’re permanently distracted. We're not even long with our own pets in the evenings. We might be there as a sort of hollow skin bag, but we're on devices or watching something distracted in our minds. And the animals just sit there looking at us like “Hello, lights are on but no one's home.”

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#animalcommunication #animalcommunicator #naturelovers
Рекомендации по теме

Finding this woman's youtube videos has changed my life. Im autistic, and this has validated how I communicated as a child, and gently led me back to skills I thought were gone forever. We have so much to learn about love.


Love this woman! Her video of Diablo to Spirit I watched many years ago and have shared it with as many as possible. She is definitely the real thing and helps all of us calm down and be apart of nature not the onlooker. Thanks for sharing this.


Wow. I would like to see this video on the curriculum in every school, at every level. I am moved to tears by the truth and wisdom contained in it. Thank you Anna.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all learn to talk to the animals? What a world this could be.


Thank you Anna Breytenbach.
What a Educator you are.


💖 Anna truly understands heaven and what God’s creation/intent is. How lovely for her to have removed the chaos from her Life. A Rare and Exquisite Being 💖 as we all should be❣️


Could you imagine if everybody cared in this world the way this woman does what a beautiful place it would


Anna is one of the most precious humans on the planet. I strive to live like her daily. Thank you for the wonderful video!


Beautifully explained.

Observation and awareness is our best teacher.

You tap into the field and gets clear communication.

How I long for humanity to realize this.



Empathy starts with solving all problems here on earth.


Where has this lady gone?? I want to see so much more of her communicating with animals like lions and others


She is a higher soul. Definitely. Those I k ow who do this are really pure


"Truly experience is the only real teacher". So true and astonishing! A beautiful explanation of How to hear what nature is saying.


I feel so heard and felt and so coming back home when hearing this always. I sometimes just sit somewhere and feel my throat chakra wanting to say something and notice it's the tree next to me wanting to say something. Nature is magic, we are magic, the miracle and oneness can only happen in equality and love for all beings


I've "put myself in their shoes/bodies" since I was little. I use this all the time to better understand how to draw and position them as an artist. Somehow I knew this was also how to get into their mindset but it feels very strange to say out loud in our materialistic belief based world.


Anna, I adore your gift and work. Beams of Love to you.


The closer we get to Mother Nature, ours nature, the happier we will be. Turn away from
machines and turn back to NATURE ; animals, forests, water. Happiness follows.


Thank you Anna, Chris and Dawn for this beautiful offering. Anna, your work always brings me Home 🙏🏼❤️


Thank you for making this. I loved it.


Thank you for your awesome, much-needed contribution to this planet Anna.
