President Joe Biden's address to the nation on anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdown | FULL SPEECH

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President Joe Biden marked the one-year anniversary of pandemic restrictions, urging Americans to come together and do their part to remain vigilant against the coronavirus in order to return to a semblance of normalcy by summer.

In his first primetime address as president, Biden made an emotional appeal to Americans who have lost loved ones to COVID-19 and those grappling with economic and personal hardships after a year of isolation.

The president balanced his look back at the grim year by offering a sense of optimism. He outlined steps his administration is taking to ramp up vaccine distribution, including a call for states to make all adults eligible to receive a shot by May 1.

The country has seen hospitalizations, deaths and overall cases steadily decline in recent months as the weather warms and more Americans are vaccinated. Many states have started lifting restrictions, but Biden warned that progress could be lost if Americans don’t come together with a sense of national purpose to defeat the virus.

“Even if we devote every resource we have, beating this virus and getting back to normal depends on national unity,” he said. “And national unity isn’t just how politics and politicians vote in Washington, what the loudest voices say on cable or online. Unity is what we do as fellow Americans. Because if we don’t say vigilant and the conditions change, then we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track.”

Biden announced he would direct states to make all adults eligible for shots no later than May 1. The administration plans to surge vaccinators and increase locations where Americans can get their vaccinations, and he touted the creation of a government-run website and call center to help individuals find a vaccine appointment once they are eligible.

The Biden administration has acquired enough vaccine doses to have adequate supply for every adult by the end of May, though the president cautioned that did not mean every American will be vaccinated by then.

But with each of those steps and continued masking and social distancing from the public, Biden said, the country could see an environment where it’s safe to hold small gatherings on the Fourth of July with friends and family.

Biden, who has leaned into empathy throughout the pandemic, recognized the pain and loss felt by the American people over the last year, during which over 530,000 Americans died from the virus, millions lost jobs and thousands of businesses shuttered.

“While it was different for everyone, we all lost something. A collective suffering, a collective sacrifice,” Biden said. The president then pulled a notecard from his jacket pocket that he uses to track the number of deaths from the virus.

Biden reflected on the missed birthdays, weddings, graduations and first dates, as well as the loss of life and employment experienced by many.

“It’s the details of life that matter the most, and we miss those details,” Biden said. “It has all exacted a terrible cost on the psyche of so many of us because we are fundamentally a people who want to be with others.”

Рекомендации по теме

Lol empty words from another empty vessel, meaningless shit, order out of chaos is the oldest game in the book


Anniversary of the two-week period to flatten the curve.


Biden taking credit for the vaccine rollout is like a rooster taking credit for the dawn.


What is he talking about? My life hasn't changed at all. Well maybe the first 2 weeks of all this. Then I realized this is rediculous. No mask no vaccine. Living life feels great.


Joe, no one needs your permission to spend time with their friends and family on 4th of July or at any time.


Definitely not waiting till July 4th to get together with people I love.. life is to short.


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This is going to be a wild ride.


only a liar keeps telling you that he is telling the truth...wake up people!


Conformity not unity reflects his message. Complete hypocrite!!!


I never stopped back yard barbequing. Some one tell old man winter not all of us quit living.


He said one thing right and honest...the american people HAVE LOST TRUST AND CONFIDENCE IN THE GOVERNMENT!


That was literally the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Is he even a living creature? Weird. Something's not right.


Just turn the teleprompter towards the camera and get rid of the middle man


No thank you to Trump for getting 3 vaccines ready to go and making your life incredibly easy?


I'm still asking the same question, What has Joe done that Trump wasn't already doing lul?


Happy one year anniversary of "two weeks to stop the spread" everybody


I suspect this was not a live speech. Prove me wrong.


I think he could’ve at least given Trump some credit considering he had the vaccine developed before this jerk even came to office if anything Biden has messed everything up


I can't wait until he tells us "what we can and cannot do." I can tell him what he can do right now.


This is the gloomiest Presidential address I've heard in my 50 years of life!
