Olive’s story: living with vascular dementia

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When Olive was told she had vascular dementia, like many people, she didn’t know what that meant. But she knew it was affecting her ability to find the right words, and that people struggled to understand why. She and her husband Ronnie reflect on what the future might hold.


My dad has vascular dementia its hard to see the decline but I enjoy his good days he amazes me all the time


My Husband has this and I am researching as much as I can, We live for today we have been married 18 years and he just turned 80 years young and I’m 61 we have 8 grown children two in Heaven and 21 Grandchildren,

Thank you so kindly for sharing your beautiful story 💜


My mom had a stroke exactly one month ago. She is diagnosed with vascular dementia already. This is a women who took pride in everything. Ive got depression, anxiety, insomnia, psoriasis thats taking over my body from stress. I don't know if I'm able to deal with this. We lived together helping each other survive financially as my dad died of cancer when I was 16. All I keep thinking of is taking my own life so our home can be sold and she can be taken care of properly. If I could trade my life to make her comfortable I feel I owe it to her. Im struggling. Its only the beginning and its more bad days than good. I don't have a reason to live anymore. Waking up each day feels pointless.


I take care of my aunt with it. It can be so frustrating, but I just try and remember how she was and how good to me she was as kid. Now I’m off to shut the doors that are being open.


What a lovely couple. Wishing you the best. Bless you.


I looked after a lovely lady who had vascular dementia, she was the most intelligent and interesting person I've ever met. My Granny now has dementia at the age of 99. It's hard for the family but all you can do is be there for them. Beautiful couple, beautiful dogs, thanks for sharing.


My Mom Had This Vascular Dementia She Would Cry Because She Couldn't Remember The Names Of Her 13 Children... It Was An Honor To Take Care Of Her.. She Couldn't Wait To Go To Heaven.. We Would Play Christian Music Daily For Her.. It Would Ease The Confusion.. I would read the bible to her and she would smile.. I miss her so much.. but know she is with her savior.. and would not want her back.. her new life with Jesus it so much better... no more suffering and confusing.. and I would read the bible too her toward the end.. one day I and my twin took care of her and we Will See Her and Jesus Soon


My dad has it but is in denial. I told him he looked good for his age the other day and he said 'thankyou, im just glad i havent got dementia'. We were all silent and didnt know whether to say yes you have or not.


My partner has this type of dementia, diagnosed when he was 57. He was also in denial and grew very frustrated by his own actions. We are no longer together as his parents believed his paranoia and they made it impossible for me to look after him any longer. I miss him everyday and I don’t know which is worse to have a partner die or to loose them to this awful disease.


God bless you. My mum was diagnosed with it six months ago. It was 6 months after a major stroke. I can see her going downhill fast...


I appreciate that Olive and Ronnie have shared so much to make it easier for others to understand. Thank you so much!


No one knows what the future hold to any one. As you said, until the researchers can find more effective treatment; the way you and your husband taking care and understanding each other is priceless. May God bless you both.


Such a beautiful couple it comes as a shock at the time l felt cheated but we had thirty three years of happiness and some people never have that you never loose the memories together l often sit back and think of the good times we shared


This is a beautiful story and very encouraging. I can feel so much love from these two people. And in the end that is what matters most right?!


Where do you live? I want to move there! My husband was diagnosed. Sigh.. another trial for me, Lord, how much more can I take??? 32 years of severe stroke damage to this X Special Forces SGM, most strong and handsome and intelligent man I have ever ever known!


I have vascular dementia, it is the not knowing what you will lose next that I find difficult, so much has changed but when I look at my spouse so much is the same🤗


I so hope that such love and compassion find me


12:43 6/10/24 I’m diagnosed with Vascular Dementia. I’m still functional but the right word alludes me, names are buried, and times and dates escape into the ethers. I wonder what will happen next all right. I’m still able to be the caregiver for my husband with other issues. Everyday is a gift, yet sometimes I wonder how much more I can handle. There is a plan for me and us. Positive thinking will keep me going.


What a lovely couple, so very sad for u both, positive attitude and hope wishing you the best for the rest of your life together ❤


My lovely Husband has Vas.Dem.sadly, now in a home, after 7 years caring without help, there are no good, funny days, I visit every day and break my heart every day.
