Species Spotlight Season 2 - The Diamond Sleeper Goby - Episode 31

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Diamond Sleeper Goby: Our number one selling sand sifting Sleeper Goby spends its day sifting sand and resting on the bottom. The Valenciennea puellaris likes to use its large head to dig into the substrate and sift the sand through its mouth for food, then discarding the sand out its gill coverings. It will burrow a hole in the substrate that it will use as its home. These fish are also jumpers, so precautions should be taken to secure openings at the top of the aquarium. Keep only one per tank unless you get a pair. This fish should not be kept with other Sleeper Gobies or Jawfish. The Diamond Sleeper Goby maxes out at 5.5 inches and requires at least a 55 gallon tank preferably with a live sand bed and/or refugium. This is an easy care level reef-safe fish.
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I bought one 3wks ago and only seen it I don't even know if it is alive.


Yea, I had one that drove me nuts, he just kept piling the sand over my rocks and corals, I would come home to find a whole section of my rocks and corals absolutely covered in sand, no sooner had I blown the sand off the rocks and corals, the little perisher would start piling it up again, so I had to part exchange him at my Lfs for another more peaceful fish, amazing to watch, but what a pest 😂😂


Anyone thinking of purchasing one better have a nice tight cover on your tank. I had a large Goby fly out of the tank and days later after giving up looking for him, I found him dehydrated on the floor. Just purchased a baby one today...I know better now.


Added one yesterday and my moon wrasse is proper hurting it


I have a 65 gallon with a 3.5 inch sandbed (oolite fine sand) and i have always heard and read that a diamond sand sifting goby will destroy a DSB as they prey on the microfauna and disturb the DSB's anaerobic bacteria that removes nitrates, is it worth getting one or should i not in my case with my setup, thanks!


My aquarium has an SG of 1.030 would this be ok for him?
