Horizen Bi-weekly Live Update - May 30th 2018

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Content Menu:
Community Member Highlight 1:47
Zen-1 year Operating 3:02
Legal Team 11:14
Binance Exchange Listing 14:11
Cred Partnership 15:42
Xeeda 18:21
Blue Frontiers 19:26
Arizen Update 22:35
Secure Node Update 24:35
Marketing 26:50
Upcoming Events 32:46
Russian Market -Davit 34:38
Central European Market - Arno 38:12
Italian Market - Luca 39:22
Latin America Market - Levis 42:18
Korean Market - Jonghun 43:47
Extra Updates 44:36
Q&A 45:43

Horizen is an exciting cryptocurrency with a solid technological foundation, unique capabilities, an active and capable team, ongoing funding for improvements, and a large, positive, encouraging community.

The goal of Horizen is to create a usable private cryptocurrency operating on a resilient system for people and businesses worldwide, enabling the daily use of private transactions, messaging, and publishing everywhere, all the time.


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Рекомендации по теме

I would not have been able to set up my node without Sodiomayor


Just started to watch this stream from the beginning as realised it's already the end, time passes so quickly with Zen streams. Love ZenCash !!!
