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Here's my current binder. Pm me with offers.


x Money$$$
x SJC Cards
x Foreign Cards (TCG only)
2 player grey spellground mat
x Pot of Duality
x Effect Veiler (Ultimate only)
x Solemn Warning (Ultimate only)
x Rescue Cat (Super only)
x Archlord Kristya
x Tethys, Goddess of Light
x Gellenduo (secret)
x Nova Summoner (Secret)
x Honest (ghost or secret)
x Dark Simorgh
x Guardian Eatos
x Chaos Sorcerer (Ultra only)
x Foolish Burial (Super)
x Beckoning Light (Super)
x Battle Fader
x XX- Saber Emmersblade
x Test Tiger ULT
x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos (Secret, or Ultimate only)
x Gladiator Beast Bestiari (Super only)
x Gladiator Beast Samnite (Super only)
x Doomcalibur Knight
x Dark Grepher
x Infernity Archfiend
x Infernity Launcher
x Infernity Barrier
x Dark Armed Dragon (Secret or Gold)
x Judgment Dragon (Secret or Ultimate)
x Morphing Jar (Tp2)
x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner (Super only)
x Book of Moon (Super only)
x Threatening Roar (Super only)
x Bottomless Trap Hole (Super only)
x Spirit Reaper (Super only)
x Icarus Attack (Super only)
x Gravekeepers Spy (Super only)
x Thunder King Rai-Oh (Secret only)
x Gold Sarcophagus
x Mirror Force
x Lightning Vortex (Ultimate only)
x Ally of Justice Catastor (Duel Terminal)
x Goyo Guardian

Mid Wants:

x Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
x Blackwing Armed Wing
x Blackwing Armor Master
x Black Whirlwind (Super only)
x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
x Mist Wurm (Duel Terminal Only)
x Diamond Dude (Ultimate, and Super only}
x Krebons (Super only)
x Dimensional Fissure (Super only)
x Macros Cosmos (Super only)
x D.D. Survivor (Ultimate only)
x Royal Decree (Ultra only)
x CP Holos

Low Wants:

x Charge of the Light Brigade (Secret only)
x Honest (secret or ghost)
x Allure of Darkness (Ultimate only)
x Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (Ultra only)
x Shutendoji
x Mezuki
x Plaguespreader Zombie
x Burial from a Different Dimension
x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior (Super only)
x Miracle Fusion (Ultimate, and Super only)
x Cyber Dragon (Ultra, and Ultimate only)

Throw ins:
x Injection Fairy Lily (secret only)
x Usable commons and rares.
Рекомендации по теме

Which rarities? What were u interested in?


What were u interested in?


U would have to add either more cards or cash.
