God Could Have Left Job Alone // Bob Sorge

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Film created by Joel Sorge
Music by Pas Neos

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Because Bob is a member of our family and we have known of his disability from the beginning, we have been asking of God the same things that Bob did. The comfort we had was observing his day to day walk and seeing first hand how God have him the grace to be a loving husband and father to his family. Never once have we heard him complain with a victim attitude, but always praising God and fulfilling his responsibilities with joy.


This goes to the heart - and then pierces it. Thank you.


Oh How I bless God for His gift of mercy, for not leaving me alone. I bless Him for the gift of you to the Body. Thank You. May the LORD bless and keep you, be gracious to you, make His face shine upon you and give you Shalom. 🙏🏽♥️


I needed to hear this, this morning. Lord don't leave me Alone or to myself. I Love You Jesus❤️🙏


I love his still small voice and his few words are profoundly better than a 1 hour sermon. I didn't even know who he was or that he was injured but I heard his message "It's not a business, it's personal" so I came searching for more nuggets. Sorry for his pain but glad he chooses to speak his few words to build the Body. That's a BLESSING! We should all measure our words carefully.


After 5 major accident's over 22 year's spending 3 years learning to walk and talk again from just the first one. I found answers i was looking for in pain perplexity and promotion, i'm still reading it, still shedding tear's and still finding answers through all these year's. Many, many thank's Bob sorge and job...Yes thankfully GOD.


I come back to this video almost every year to be reminded that loss is normal. Thank you, truly. I mean that wholeheartedly.


I was suffering from period cramps, and i searched bob sorge and saw this video and was in tears.


Watching this and crying! Have to watch over and over!!! Can't even explain what this has done for me!!! Thanks, Bob and Joel, for this and also your books!


With the shocking death of our young son, Eben, a message like this has helped.


Thank you Brother Sorge for sharing the TRUTH...how profound is the testimony of GOD'S love for you and all of His children..You have reminded me of HIS powerful love..


This is just wonderful and so humbling & inspiring.  Nine years ago I came down with an incurable & rare blood cancer that affects bones.  I was very athletic.  The cancer caused damage to my spinal cord.  I now live in excruciating pain plus need a walker, but can only stand for minutes at a time-even with a walker.  I could go on & on with my complaints & woes, but you get the picture.  Mr. Sorge, THANK YOU!  I often wonder 'what have I to offer' anymore due to my extreme limitations. I hope you realize the  inspiration you have been to me & I am sure many others.  Again, thank you so much.  God Bless You!


Thanks Bob, I cried watching this. Thank you for reminding me again... it about who I am in Christ not what I do... God do not leave me alone.
I’m taking a seminar for worship leaders tomorrow and will show this.


Met this man and he is outstanding. His teachings are so solid in the word of God and filled with truth, Got his book in the secret place and it changed my life. Thank you Bob for sharing all you can with us. Know you are loved.


I have sang since I was 9 or so and I released my first song in 2021. The same day my so was released my throat started closing up and I drove to the hospital because I was scared I was going to not be able to breathe. I ended up making it through though and I could still breathe. Thank You Jesus. I went to the doctor over and over again trying to figure out what was going on for a span of 6 months because something always felt stuck in my throat. I ended up having to have my esophagus stretched and it did not feel like it helped any. I had been praying and praying over these months because I was afraid and didn’t know what to do. There were a lot of questions and Others questioned if my calling was to sing anymore… which hurt my heart. I love singing and I’ve felt called to sing to the Lord since I was young. I was on the worship team at church still because I could play the piano which was a blessing but it was very hard to sing or speak much without pain. I had the opportunity to go to the altar and get prayer on my throat and I got healed that day and the next week I could sing pretty well, then I got prayer again the next week at the altar and after that, that’s when I really started singing again. I thank God for helping me to see that I am more than my voice and I am more than just a singer and that He is the one who has given me this gift.


thank you for sharing, Bob! God met me in the darkest time of my life. It is such a privilege to be His child


This was powerful a true perspective shifter - grateful, thankful.


Bob, you should learn American Sign Language.  You could do amazing things and touch so many people without putting stress and pain on your voice.  I'm truly inspired by you!


Bob, thank you. This video spoke to me tonight. Thank you for being obedient.


What a powerful truth. One I needed to hear today to ease the pain of the reality in which we walk. Thank You Lord for never leaving us alone!
