TOP 8 HACKS to decrease your A1C!

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The key to fighting chronic diseases and staying healthy is found in this! This video walks you through the 8 steps to getting healthier.

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Most common questions I get ... 
1) "Doc, what BLOOD KETONE METER do you recommend?"
      It's accurate and takes only ONE test-strip to get results. YES!!
2) "Doc, what can I have while fasting?"
    Salt + water are best.  
    Black coffee - I prefer cold brew coffee. 
    Fasting tea Pique Teas:
**Promo code DrBoz**
3) "Doc, how do you know if you're eating the right fat?" 
 *This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Bosworth, MD.  Our content informs and educates viewers. Medical advice is not given on this channel. Your personal physician gives the medical advice and treatment specific to your situation. Dr Boz channel only educates. Consult your doctor or qualified health professional regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Bosworth nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person(s) receiving this educational content. Ask your health advisors before beginning any nutritional supplement or lifestyle program.

I can't believe I tortured my body with sugar and carbs for so long!
Thank you for helping me to understand how to nourish my body correctly!


I went carnivore when my A1C was 6.6. I lost over sixty pounds and my A1C is now 5.4 ❤


This is my 4th video from you in a row - not only do i find your content to be 100x more informative than anything my own PCP has told me, but you are KILLING IT linking together the relevant info!! Your Youtube retention stats gotta be through the roof!! 😂 Thanks Dr Boz!


Truly great tips. I'll add, when your sugars are high (A1C), you are tired because the sticky sugar sticks to the iron in the red blood cell and starves it of oxygen. They cannot be repaired, but fortunately they do regenerate every 90days. That's why when you kick sugar to the curb, over time, you will have more energy.


Just checked my A1C for the first time yesterday, 5.2. Yee Haw 🤠


This is like a keto mini-course! Fantastic work Dr. Boz!


I just received your book and have started reading it.
I also got the KETO^MOJO meter.
You are getting better looking with age.


Just got DEC 2022 results for A1C 5.6% using your blood spot test kit. Was pleasantly surprised at improvement since my last OCT 2022 result 6.0%


Dr Boz, I have a question:

How about people who live in extreme northern or southern climates? The days are much longer, or shorter, depending on the season!

When I lived in Frankfurt Germany as an Army brat, in the peak winter months, it was dark at 7 am, when the bus picked us up for school, and dark again at 3:30 pm, when we went home.

Inversely, the sun didn’t set until nearly 10 pm and rose at 4 am in the summer.

As a recovering diabetic, I like your content, but this one hard fast rule simply does not add up for everyone.

Keep up the great work! 😊


Wow~ this is such an excellent "nutshell"/ quick start guide Annette, & I hope to share this far & wide in our own community. We serve a higher-than-is-typical diabetic & metabolically challenged population here in Sun City AZ~ one of the top retirement destinations in the country, if not the world.
I've seen so many of your posts, gathered tons of valuable education to share & use, as well as referred many to your actual online courses. This particular post however sums up exactly what my husband & I have been sharing in 'longer form' for the past couple years ~ so yay for this one! Thank you so much=)
We are grateful to you, & thankful for your work every single day around here. May God continue to bless & multiply your efforts dear one~The Whitson's (Daniel & Samantha)


Dr Boz you are just an angel. Your insight has made a big impact on my healing journey. I can't thank you enough


This video is what I needed … very concise. I’m consistently under 20 total grams of carbs, i’ve dropped 30 pounds and my blood pressure has normalized (Contrary to my thumbnail I’m not eating donuts - I should probably change that}. But my sleep is not good and I still have inflammation (shin print) and other ailments. Anyway now I know what’s next. Oh and my doctor has never checked my A1c; only fasting glucose.


I need a Dr. Boz nearby! I'm in that less toxic state and need to get into a hard core fixing mode! My old MD thought pecan pie was good for diabetics.


I love you Dr. Boz!! Seeing results here!


Bravo for these videos. If they don't already, they should be part of a recognized set of real pop education series.


THANKS, , Dr.Boz, , You are an angel !!


So helpful. Best advice (and the best delivered) I have watched. Thank you.


Masters athlete here. Can’t imagine doing a 36-48 hour fasting given that I do 60-minutes of resistance training followed by 30-minutes of weighted jump rope training 6X week.


Thanks for this... I am really struggling with my glucose lately and I don't know why. I have been fasting and ketoing for at least the last two years and yet.. my blood sugar hovers around 94 to 107. But you information does give me a clue why I just can't lose the last 25 lbs.


In Northern Aberta in the winter we re lucky to get 3 to hrs of light than in the Summer it stays light out almost 24 hrs is the opposite gets dark around 1 pm until 4 am
