The Worst Multicrew PVP Ship in Star Citizen 3.19? | Corsair Review

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In this video, I will be reviewing a popular ship for pilots in Star Citizen 3.19, the Corsair. But is this the worst multicrew PVP ship in Star Citizen 3.19? Despite the Corsair's popularity and relatively affordable price tag, I give you the honest answers on whether this hull is worth your money, and just why so many players in Star Citizen seem to struggle making the most out of the Corsair. I encourage you to give me your opinion in the comments! Let me know what you think, and which ships you want to see in this series!

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00:00 Intro and Corsair Pros
00:55 Corsair Cons
01:33 Erkul Specs
01:54 PVE Combat
02:31 PVP Combat
04:04 Final Thoughts
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I'd like to say, I've flown the Corsair since 3.17.5 and it used to be ROUGH to love this ship, but it's only gotten and is still getting better and better. I still wouldn't particularly say there's one build that is best for everything, it's a very versatile ship that can be re-outfitted for a wide variety of purposes and is effective at more than just combat alongside it's different potential combat loadouts.
The incredibly low HP maneuvering thrusters have been 'bugged' or 'accidentally misvalued' since release and only just today in 3.19.1 finally got some number adjustments.

As for builds for PVE, you can run full fixed energy or ballistic cannons or ballistic gatlings + 2 fixed Gimballed size 3's energy repeaters, especially ERT spamming, staying at the Max range of the fixed size 5's, 2600m means you can completely outrange a Hammerhead while shredding it with the ammo type of your choosing (4 Deadbolt V's will pop a Hammerhead absurdly fast) while saving the 2 gimballed size 3 energy repeaters for any smaller ships, especially light fighters that get close to you. You'll have two separate pips but it won't even matter because you will never land a cannon shot on a light fighter and is not worth the ammo unless it's a certified free hit, and you will never need to land a repeater shot on a Hammerhead. You can also run full Energy Cannons in alternating fire mode for one large repeater.

For PVP, the build shown in this video is the most optimal build by far. You will never land fixed size 5 cannon shots on any even halfway decent pilot in a light fighter, and if you're in a light fighter getting hit by a Corsair rocking the full size 5's you either weren't paying attention and didn't know he was about to shoot you or you don't understand how to fly light fighters. The full gimballed repeater build feels very nice to play as a general all rounder PVEVP and also the main PVP build you want to run anyways. Just because cannons do more damage does not mean you will always land that damage, and it's not like 6 large gimballed repeaters each with 100+ capacitor ammo traveling at 1400 M/s as opposed to a cannons 700 M/s focused on a single light fighter isn't a shit load of damage for the light fighter to not be able to pip evade as easily.

I do however agree that the Corsair's multicrew potential is not the greatest, but this doesn't mean I think it's terrible either. You can run an absolutely absurd size crew on the Corsair for what it is, whether it's worth it over just having other people in their own ships is the issue of contention I have (spoiler I don't think it's worth it but it's still really cool how many people you can operate out of a single Corsair). 1 Pilot and 1 Co-Pilot for the remote turret (can put ballistics on it to focus fire priority light fighters while also getting extra energy on main capacitors), 2 side turret gunners (not optimally placed turrets but it is what it is), 1 freak of nature standing on the grav lock floor elevator on the roof with a Railgun and or missile launcher (expendable), 2 potentially 3 Fury operators to launch out the rear cargo bay (it's one of the safest launches for the Fury since the ship doesn't have to be completely stationary for the Fury to deploy as if it were to be coming from the front or side). So in total the Corsair can support about a maximum crew of 8 if you fill your cargo bay with Furies. At full operational mothership capacity this thing is absolutely terrifying with a swarm of Furies protecting a giant gun with all it's extra turrets mounted and stack of 16 Rattler or EM missiles can be a real nightmare for anyone trying to just get underneath it or even relatively approach its' position without getting shot at by a metric shit load of guns. We're talking about 4 Size 4's, 2 Size 3's, and 18 Size 2's including turrets and Furies each with at least 4 of their own Rattler or EM missiles.

So the Corsair is no slouch in multicrew, however I still think you'd just be better off having it flown solo as firing support for a fleet of 6 or 7 other people in their own ships. However I also feel this way about most ships that aren't the Redeemer, Scorpius, or Hurricane. If you're multicrewing a Corsair you're doing it for fun because you want to sail a Pirate spaceboat with your fellow scallywags.

It's a versatile solid general allrounder ship with obvious strengths and weaknesses, and it absolutely takes quite a bit of getting used to that many people aren't interested in and it certainly isn't a "Meta" PVPer. I think it's a very well balanced all rounder ship that sits nicely next to the Connie with a comparatively solid edge in PVE but lack in Cargo capability.


You should do some videos reviewing other ships in the same critical way.

The fact you pointed out the ship’s weakspots is particularly useful for people flying the ship and people hunting the ship, I can imagine a pilot with good knowledge about his ship can turn it so a missile hits a spot that won’t cripple it.


You are spot on with your assesment. Missile strikes virtually make the ship useless in just about any combat situation. The ship cannot be manouvred if it cops even with a little ballistic damage. It has been a major dissapointment for me.


I hope CIG gets away from this "Bad Turret Placement is good balance" ideology.

Those side turrets should be able to move like the Hammerheads.


we love coming across a corsair full of cargo. my money is on any of our guys in one light fighter over a fully crewed corsair anyday.

imho they should redistribute the guns to give the turrets the bigger hardpoints: make the copilot's seat dual access remote turrets with a 2xs4 swivel at the bottom and make the top also a 2xs4, with both of the side turrets 2xs3. and give the pilot something like 6 s3 hardpoints.

OR even better, add a manned turret on top 2xs4 and make the copilots seat a manned turret at the bottom, also a 2xs4 with the sides the same as i mentioned before. even with all that its defenses are still trash until they do something about the flimsy ass wing/engines. only thing a corsair is good for is mixing a drink rofl


I hate this ship as a multicrew. Great training last night btw (Gates here).


but for PVE and just daily driving, my god is it fun and no other ship comes close for me. Switched from the Connie to it and I have zero regrets and I just love its internal layout compared to equivalent ships.


Please do a video on constellation Andromeda.


The maneuvering thrusters need more durability, it's very easy to get to a point where the ship can no longer be controlled, even in PvE. And I'm not talking slow to turn, I mean like pitching causing roll or unable to yaw at all, or it leading to some random rotation. In space you can usually dodge missiles, but in atmo you have to tank them and it's only a matter of time before a thruster is damaged/destroyed. Your best bet is to kill on first pass, failing that, min range them.


They really need to fix the thruster damage thing, i noticed they buffed the HP but it didnt change anything. However...when I pvp with it i am absolutely looking for connie's or larger...which happens. But light fighters....yeaahh missle spam and just leave. Maybe in the future things will change...especially with a pyro release. Great video! Im gonna keep being hard headed and fly my corsair. P.S. in a group the corsair is so fun


Glad I got an MSR instead. I wanted the MSR more but I was considering the Corsair for it's extreme firepower. I really don't get into combat much so I'm glad I made the right choice


I love my corsair tbf, I know people say the Connie's are much better but they just feel so clunky


I love the Corsair. It the only one, witch really feel like home. All other ships are just tools. Corsair is amazing. ofc its not perfect, its to dark in the kitchen, the cables in engineering are just to much "drake". But i love all the cool features. I always try to not get into PvP.
Edit: spelling


Such @ shame about that. Corsair is otherwise lovely. Though TBF you didn’t text with crew and made no effort at avoiding missiles.


Arguably BIS for PVE flying solo, but yeah... Not a pvp ship in any way


E-X-P--L-O-R-A-T-I-O-N Ship. This is like reviewing a Kia and writing an article of how the KIA has horrible luxury compared to a Bentley


Protips : it's a waste of money to change coolers and powerplants beceause they've all had the same stats since 3.14


I traded in my Corsair and got other ships weeks ago. I stand by that decision.


IF you look for a good piracy pvp multicrew ship, loook no further the msr is here for ya, it has no hardpoint parts wich can get destroyd by balistic aoe dmg, therefore the flight characteristic stays the same no matter the state . IT has cargo and place for a fury, in case you havea 4th guy, that want to play the distortion/ballistic fury monkey. The MSR has nice topspeed to avoid missles and sticky situations. If we look for more pve oriented gameplay the conni is a better grinder than the corsair . More hp and if you have gunners the dmg is enought to do all sorts of bounties


Funny - I got oneshotted by something as well, once. I came back in a different ship, cleared the bounty targets... and found my Corsair just sitting there as if nothing had happened. Couldn't get in it though, the door prompts wouldn't work.
