Cape York 2020 - The Old Telegraph Track towing the Ultimate Off Road Camper #203

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The Old Telegraph Track, south and north sections, is located between Bramwell Station and the Jardine River.

To get to this iconic track we leave Chili Beach and lay up at Bramwell Station, where the OTT begins. 4 kilometers from Bramwell is Palmer Creek, and you then truly know what this track is all about.

The entry into Palmer, albeit steep, has a more challenging characteristic - its width. My camper is 2.10 meters wide and the cruiser (at its widest with mirrors folded in) is a tad smaller. We had about 100mm clearance to get the camper through.

Most creek crossings had adjacent camping. The only places where there were restrictions was Fruit Bat Falls (no camping) and Twin Falls (need to book before arriving).

We left Bramwell Station around 8 am and managed to get through to Nolans Brook (the northern end of the OTT) by about 4'ish. A quick trip for sure but still time enough to get out and look around and stop for a swim and lunch.

Frit Bat and Twin falls can be accessed without doing any of the difficult areas of the OTT. Though, it is not advisable to drag a wobble box into these falls. There is a parking spot just at the beginning of the northern section of the OTT, just off from the Northern Bypass Road, space enough to unhitch and park a wobble box and then trek the few kilometers to Fruit Bat or a few more kilometers to Twin Falls.

I'm not sure you'd want to be any longer, of higher, than we were travelling this track. There were quite a few places where I had to maneuver a few times to get around a bend or line up and entry or exit to tight track conditions.

Yes, I reckon you could easily spend a few days travelling the OTT, stopping up at various creeks. I'd certainly plan better next time and spend at least 2 nights at Twin Falls heading north, rather than as we did it, on our way back south.

Track etiquette - most people travel south to north, for good reason. The track is quite narrow and it would be immensely more difficult and frustrating if the north south traffic was of the same volume.

In this video you see us, with camper, pulled up in the scrub to allow 3 vehicles pass us heading south. I had a chat to them and they said it was a 2 way track and, in essence, could care less about what difficulties that may cause for others, or themselves. They were the only vehicles we passed heading south !!!!!!!

Camping etiquette - its been raised numerous times on socials ... 2's need to be at least 150mm below ground and covered. Well, lets say any human excrement that is accompanied by toilet paper should be treated that way. Soooo disappointing, soooo horrible to camp up and see wafts and wafts of toilet paper in close proximity to creeks and camping spots :(

Our next video we arrive at Seisia and spend a few nights here, exploring the area and getting on a day trip across to Thursday Island.

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Yep that no name ford always deep and seen it claim a few. a couple uppity Kiwis laughed at us once and drove straight in past a 5 car in an funniest part was him opening the back door in the middle (he drowned it) watched all their gear float down the creek. Ranger showed up in a brand new 79 dual (back in ‘14) and helped em out . reckoned he was in a hurry....After watching how easy a stock 79 did that, I went straight out and got . Thanks for the vid


Your videos are getting better all the time, as is your editing. Loved your selection of music. The scenery is stunning.


Somehow I don't think the Chevy would fit through some of those drop-offs!!! hahaha. Great vid as usual mate.


Great vid mate! Somehow your drone shots are way better than mine lol. Only new to the drone, can't capture the landscape like you have, was very nice! We were up there in July in a 200 series swaging it. Brought back beautiful memories. What I would do to be sitting in Nolans right now:) Hoping to pick up an Ultimate for our next winter trip! Cheers for your vid!
