O.M.G !! S-adness Action Of Baby LEO Almost R.!.P While Mom LIBBY Train Him In Pool || P!tiful LEO

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Welcome to my channel " MONKEY LIBRARY " in this channel I would like to show you about full life of poor baby monkey in CAMBODIA .
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Все правильно Либби делала😂_Лео рос очень упрямым ленивым и непослужным, мать его ставила на то место, где он и должин быть_-подчинятся и слушаться мать, для его же безопасности!!!Не убила, не прибила, ему, Лео сегодня 16 месяцев_красава, любит Либби, она его и маленькое пополнение в их семействе-Лили❤
У мамы Либби правильное воспитание с непослушными детенышами!!!!


For everyone who is complaining that the people should do something, these monkeys could tear a person apart. They film to show the life of these monkeys and should never interfere.
How many people watching this remember Sweet Pea? His mother tried to get him to stop nursing but she was too easy on him. He was a baby that screamed and cried nonstop but his mother was not like Libby. She ended up with a grown ass son who demanded to nurse even after his mother had another infant to feed. She was too easy on him and he turned into a huge fat brat because of it. Don’t believe me? Look up old videos of Sweet Pea. He was the most annoying monkey in the area. Even the other monkeys hated his constant screaming which actually put him in danger of bigger male monkeys coming after him.
Sure, Libby is overly aggressive in her efforts to teach him just like some human parents are but with people there are laws. This is the animal kingdom and things are different for them. Leo is very similar to SweetPea in many ways. If Libby wanted to kill Leo she could do so very easily. Sure she knocks him around a bit too much but he’s persistent so she does it to get through to him he needs to stop nursing.


You people filming are sick! Yall know that being around libby makes her a nervous wreck and she starts taking her anxiety out on the baby. Its bad enough she never knew her own mother, so she doesn’t even know how to be a mother to her own babies, but instead of giving her the support she needs y’all are laughing and causing her to have more stress and anxiety where she takes it out on the baby, y’all should be ashamed of yourself. It makes me sick that y’all do this. Leave Libby alone and let her try to learn how to be a mother to her baby without y’all in her face. Let me follow all you cameraman around 24/7 and see how y’all treat your kids. Leave these poor animals alone, and let them live in the wild in their natural environment without y’all harassing them every day.


LOOK at him! Complete terror. And he looks at the VO’s in the face because he knows it is them that do this. He is anticipating them starting their crap again off camera and any minute for Libby to grab him up again. He’s shaking in pain and fear. Imagine wanting nothing more Ty a for your mom to hold you and comfort you but equally not wanting her to touch you because you’re scared and hurting. He relies on her still at this point a lot. He has no idea what to do. And they pin him in when he does get away for her to come get him. They spot out sounds and put sounds in. They are laughing and taunting them this whole time. Makin jokes. Look at the surface injuries on him alone right here. The skin is ripped off of his fingers from bro g wet and gripping the sides of the concrete pool and being repeatedly dragged along them. His hair is ripped out on his head. Behind his ears are wounds. He’s bruises. His bottom is swollen from his tail being yanked and them slamming him on the bottom into the concrete and ground. He has sand and lord knows what else on his nose and mouth and eyes-Leo doesn’t like being dirty. This species is cleaner than the long tailed macaques. He has wounds all over. He is cold. He smells. And I don’t know if this one shows it because I’m not done watching, but they DID instigate it again here!


Это старые съёмки. Либби учит плавать Лео. Он теперь прекрасно плавает😊.


At least he's had a bath & a lot less fleas. He will be an excellent simmer😊


Cómo pueden estar grabando y no tener un poquito de dolor ver el maltrato de este inocente animalito


Купает отмывает.нюхает-воняет и снова купает чтоб был чистый❤


Abartig das der Filmer so lang die Kamera drauf hält . Die lachen über die Situation des Babies
Das ist ekelhaft Geldgierige Bande


Libby is such a serious swimming coach, but little Leo looks like he’s on a 'Cutest Challenge Ever' show! 😂🐵




Pauvre petit, il tremble, il a froid. Les personnes qui filment, pourquoi vous ne faites rien pour l'aider?


Не понимает обезьянка чего от неё хотят... Жестокий мир😢


9:52 the imaginary clinging to mom for comfort and warmth while imitating nursing gestures, that just broke my heart even more for this poor little one! all he wants is security and he surely won’t find that with his evil mother


Накупался детёныш и нахлебался на всю жизнь похоже 😮после водных процедур он даже кричать боится, бедняжка..
Почему люди которые снимают это видео, не могут остановить это ?
Сколько бы детёнышей можно было бы спасти, в зоопарки определить.
Нас прости Господи, и помоги животным выживать в этом не простом Мире.


Получил истеричный, сидит думает, как дальше орать или молчать


Look, he sat down quietly and quietly.


Как так то ааа! Ни шампуньки ни присыпки, ни поцеловала ни к сисяндрам не прижала, фуууу никакого мимими, тьфу даже в плед не завернули кроху😄


Всем садистам снимающим и обращающимся жестоко с животными - это ваше следующее воплощение и множество подобных воплощений.


No cabe duda que también en el mundo animal también existen las malas madres.🥵
