Red Light Therapy Improves Mitochondria Function, Eye Health, And Lifespan: Glen Jeffery, PhD

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0:00 Intro
0:33 Presentation
Q&A 44:22 Are the positive effects of red light therapy because lab animals are sunlight starved?
52:05 When is the ideal time for sunlight/red light exposure?
53:50 Does the amount of red light in sunlight vary at different times during the day?
55:05 Red light therapy upregulated pro-inflammatory cytokines?
59:10 Red light therapy is ineffective at older ages?
1:02:00 What's the content of red light in fire, moonlight?
1:05:15 Next steps/future studies
1:08:28 Supporting Glen's studies
1:10:45 Glen won't be around in 10 years?
1:13:30 Rejuvenation technology
1:18:40 The argument against the Mitochondrial Theory of Aging
1:20:07 Community outreach


I am blown away. I was made aware of his studies by just going through my morning Twitter read and someone reposted your talk. To my surprise, GJ published the work with bees in PLoS1 in 2016! Why are more people not talking about these absolutely groundbreaking findings?? I was in awe of the slide where he mentioned that that truck drives who delivered the bees to California and Texas increased the survival rate of the bees by exposing them to red light…WOW!!!
As I continued to listen and came to the part about “modern day scurvy”, I literally took my lap top outside to finish the talk. I really appreciate the historical links, the links to evolution…this resonates with me significantly. Thank you, Michael, for this uplifting interview.


I recently started going down the rabbit hole of red light therapy after researching a health issue regarding horses. One and only one veterinary discussed red light therapy for certain health issues. Coincidentally, I was recently diagnosed with a tick born illness, not Lyme but I took a chance and bought a rlt device. Everyone, including my holistic friends said I couldn't beat the illness without antibiotics but I did! Granted I included herbs, diet etc and red light therapy daily. I'm 55 and feeling great. I live near the North Canadian boarder in NY and continue to use it daily on my third eye, back & abdomen. I'm not totally transformed into a new human but I certainly feel much better. The biggest and most noticeable difference was that I didn't succumb to the deep depression I usually feel in the fall heading into winter! I've always hated living here especially after being born in Ft Lauderdale Florida. This is my first fall and winter season that I remained energetic and optimistic! Clearly this therapy works. This video was incredibly interesting and informative. I'm pleased that I watched it as I was about to disregard it and watch something entirely different. Thank you to the moderator and scientist for bringing this info to those interested. ❤


"I cannot improve your mitochondria in the afternoon" is so fascinating! I had never heard that before. I was using my LED body panel in the afternoon so I will be switching. Thanks for the great discussion!


I gave my newborn batch of kittens red light therapy separated by a towel to be on the safe side. They grew up vital, vigorous, and robust.


I’ve been in healthcare 54 years. First worked 2nd shift then overnight… at about age 35 I hated working inside and eventually went into home visiting— outside in sunlight as much as possible!
My body knew what it needs!


I’m overwhelmingly grateful for this video ❣️I am so sensitive to light and get migraines from LED and fluorescent lights. I only use incandescent bulbs in my home and I changed out most of the lights where I work until 10pm. It makes all the difference. I’ll have to go to candles if we lose incandescents in the marketplace.


Cleaning out the debri, or autophagy, is a natural process which occurs most efficiently with water fasting for at least three days, which is much healthier than waiting on some drug to be developed. Natural light is optimal, fasting & healthy diet is optimal.


This talk is one of the most important on YT. Glad to know I don’t need to spend as long under my red light panel to get same results.


Thanks so much Dr. Jeffrey, You have helped alot of people with this info. Hope you will come back for updates on your research.


Amazing interview. Really commendable what this guy is doing to improve society and share his findings. Thanks for bringing him and keep up the great work!


Great guest, great interview. Thanks.


Great video. I enjoy spending time listening to such deep and clear conversations. Thank you.


Prof Jeffery gives a great framework for practical application. Yes he doesn't know everything about Photobiomodulation, but he's been very thourgh in his research.
He's given me a guide to wavelength, power, duration and timing. And that's meant a lot to me.


I use a red with infrared light mask therapy every day on my face and it's really good in calming down redness and painful inflamed pimples!


Great lecture/discussion. Wish you would have asked him about his methods/dosage in the human eye experiment. IRRC the dose used was 8 mW/cm2, but that the paper mentioned a diffuser and where the irradiance was measured was not explicitly stated. Please continue interviewing the authors of these interesting experiments.


Having been diagnosed with early stage AMD in one eye I started using an Eyepower Red device following one of Prof Jeffery's online presentations. It will be interesting to see the eye exam after a year.


Great interview! I learned so many details. I have a sauna with the option of colored lights in my master bathroom sauna. I will have to use those red lights at least once weekly! I am about to turn 72 years old. Just in time!


nice persentation and breath taking content, great, thanks so much for bringing Prof. Jeffery to the show ! Thanks to Prof. Jeffery as well for his fantastic work
Mitochondria are almost everything, from aging, to diabetes and madness.
Just a few days ago i had kind of an insight into my own metabolic condition: having quite good overall health, the only thing which s not good is the non-fasted glucose baseline. Despite the fasted glucose is 87, the non-fasted glucose is 98. I addressed the question about mitochondria and glucose to a med practitioner specialised in the field, and... did not receive an answer. I was chasing that conundrum now for 2 years....
The other part of aging is the immune system, both its decline in creativity due to thymus involution and capability to fight off intruders.
I would be very much interested in the effect of NIR light on the complex between dhea, growth hormone, macrophage activity, CD38 and CD8/4 +/- lymphocytes. How does the thymus behave with red light therapy? How are sex hormones doing?


Everyone should care about aging since we will all age and we spend more time in the older years (over 40) than in the younger ones.
