Acquire companies using the buy and build strategy | Jonathan Jay | 2025

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Looking to expand your business but not sure where to start? In this video, Jonathan Jay, a seasoned expert in business mergers and acquisitions, explains the buy and build strategy.

This is when you start with a platform investment, which could be your existing company or a company that you buy. You then build on that platform via bolt-on acquisitions of other companies that are similar, the same, or complementary.

The buy and build strategy is a smart move for anyone looking to consolidate businesses into one larger, more profitable entity.

Join Jonathan Jay at one of his seminars, access over 100 business-buying videos on the Dealmaker’s Academy YouTube channel, listen to the Business Buying Strategies podcast on iTunes, and connect with him on LinkedIn.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your business using a powerful business acquisition strategy – get started today.
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buy and Build to, y BHAG...awesome plan.!


Wow I like the buy and build strategy....thank you much is there a way where you can live stream your seminars so we who are not on UK can also watch it over the internet please🙏🙏🙏🙏????
