a french man doing a french man impression is the best thing i’ve ever seen
When life gives you lemons, make LeMonet
I love the way you teach! A little bit of history, a little bit of technique, and a then actual application. Perfecto!
You've just taught me more about impressionist painting in the first ten minutes than I learnt in two years at art college. You have a lovely way of teaching. Subscribed!
Thank you, sir. This video just gave me the push I needed to start painting again.
Just lovely! Impressionism: My favorite Art movement/era!
Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" would be lots of fun and interesting to watch!
Thank you! You taught me much in this video. Bon Chance! 🍀
The portrait was excellent, thanks for the tips, I will use in my work, a good week for you. It would be interesting to see a video at normal speed as it is relaxing to watch someone paint.
Before coming into this video I was so freaked out and stressed, but as soon as I heard his voice and the music it just calmed me down so much. Love the video!
This was amazing! The only video I can find that actually teaches and demonstrates how I can make a portrait like Monet. Thank you!!
Unreal. Can't wait to try this, thanks!
Fantastic. Thank you. Camille Pissarro had many aspects of influence on others. Perhaps a quick survey of these? Everyone loves a buffet! Wonderful work and pedagogy. Thank you so much.
than kyou - fantastic job on the tutorial and the painting!!
Very helpful tutorial, thank you for sharing and explaining the steps! Could you possibly make a "Paint like Paul Gauguin" tutorial?
These are very very useful tips..Thank you for this video..
I have learned so much from your tutorial. your explanation on the approach is clear and your strokes full of passion. thank you for this!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. This painting is beautiful and the explanation is detailed.
I learnt more about painting from this short video than i did at art school, which destroyed both my joy in art and my confidence. Thank you! I can't wait to try this and get into painting again ❤
I absolutely love this style of painting!
I love your 7 steps lessons!! I want to create a painting right away! You make it so easy to digest the most important concepts. And enjoy your French accent. Please do a Raoul Dufy for another fauvism 😍 thank you so much!!