How to make a VR game in Unity - Part 5 - Controller Vibration

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This is the fifth episode of a serie that will cover all the basis of developping a Virtual Reality application which I hope should get you started with any of your VR project with the Oculus Rift.

In today episode we will learn how to vibrate the Oculus Touch controller for the haptic feedback of the player!

#gamedev #madewithunity #oculus
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Valem, you're amazing, man. Your tutorials are easily one of the best out there right now. Thank you so much for the work you put into them! I can only offer you one feedback: Keep up the videos because they're so damn good! They came at a time when I needed them the most for my projects. I'm looking forward to see what you come from, because everything so far has been more than useful. You can do some interaction with a button or something like objects snapping in place (like when you want to put an object in a specific place and it will stick there if you let it go into the zone and so on) or anything you feel like would be helpful in the future!

Thank you so much, you're an inspiration!


Valem, simply outstanding work. You make the core concepts of developing VR so approachable! My one recommendation is that you provide a link to your github (if exists) with the example scenes and code. You should also create a Patreon so the community can give back for your excellent contributions! :-) Thank you!!


Oh, please do a tutorial on locomotion (teleporting with pointer, gaze) (climbing) (flying) (free x, y motion). Thank you!


Please make more of these, there are few well done oculus sdk tutorials out there, love these vids thank you so much for taking the time to do them


Simply wonderful work! Thank you so much for creating and sharing this series! You have been such a big help I'm at a loss for words, so I'll just say it again (in all caps) TTTHHHAAANNNKK <3 <3 <3


I think a really good topic would be hit colliders in vr. For example, like a sword and shield thr players uses to fight an animated enemy from the asset shop. It seems to be a much harder task than in a non-vr game


Thanks for the tutorial series. Very straight forward, helpful and easy to follow. You make it all look too easy :D


Absolutely fantastic tutorial, Valem, a well earned subscription. I do have a request for a future tutorial, however. It would be fantastic if you could show us how to enable collisions with the hands and other objects, so you can punch and poke the cubes, I have been struggling to figure it out myself. Keep up the great work!


I also want to express my appreciation for these videos! I was able to pair what you showed in these videos with the Unity Survival Shooter tutorial to create a bare-bones shooter using Synty's POLYGON assets animated by Mixamo. I'm still amazed that someone such as myself with no background in this area can create an interactive virtual world and I give a lot of the credit for that to your video series.

A topic I'd love for you to cover is how to take a weapon, such as the gun you've already done so much with, and holster it against the player avatar. I think this topic may mesh well with Kazumo's request for a video on snapping objects in place.


using a custom avatar (A in blender made character with a skeleton) Thx for the tutorials they have been rly helpful for my little project :P


Keep up the good work! :)
I am trying to create a game, and you make it so easy for me to understand how!


Valem, you are great! Your explanations are clear and the content is interesting and applicable. Thanks so much! Since you asked for ideas for the next video, what about implementing the 'hop' movement method that some games employ (like in RoboRecall or the Oculus/Steam Home Room). Looking forward to the next video, no matter the topic though! Thanks again.


Again thanks so much!! Brilliant channel


This was the most helpful series of video ever. The only thing I need help with now is coding the Oculus achievements. Setting them up is easy, but the oculus documents on the coding is confusing I do not understand their examples at all.


Woow, I loved your tutorial. Well done 👍 and Thanks a lot 🙏


@valem any chance you can add a part 6 with holding single item with both hands? Right now it's one or the other. Good for simulating lifting heavy objects. Thanks!


Is it only me who wants Valem to do a tutorial on climbing? I can´t find a good tutorial on that anywhere!


Another good one. Liked that you used best practice over the short cut. Will you add the sixth video on hold objects with both hands. There is the VRTK kit that does this, but knowing how it is put together and with best practice in mind would be great.


Hey Valen your tutorials rock mate thanks so much it's helping me TONS!
One question, can you make a tutorial on building a multiplayer vr shooter? Can't find any tutorials on it, would be awesome to learn it with your explanation!


Really helpful, Valem. Better than anything Oculus has put out! I wish you could help us Oculus-newbies figure out how to enable proper teleportation (with the classic curved arc showing the destination). I can't find good documentation for this!
