#33 |What is Role of Commercial Bank ? [Part - 1] | Chapter-6 Banking | Class - 12 | #Successheat ||
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Contact on Whatsapp Number: 9079293536 for notes and doubts.
#33 |What is Role of Commercial Bank ? [Part - 1] | Chapter-6 Banking | Class - 12 | #Successheat ||
Learning Concept:
1.Meaning of Commercial Bank.
2. Process of Money Creation by Commercial Bank.
#34 |What is Money Multiplier? [Part - 2] | Chapter-6 Banking | Class - 12 | #Successheat ||
Learning Concept:
1. Meaning of Money Multiplier.
2. How Money Multiplier Works?
#32 |Who Supplies Money? [Part - 6]| Chapter-5 Money|Class-12| #Successheat||
Learning Concept:
1.Who Supplies Money?
(Central Bank, Commercial Bank and Government)
#31 | Measures of Money Supply [Part - 5]| Chapter-5 Money|Class-12| #Successheat||
Learning Concept:
1. Measures of Money Supply.
#30 | Difference between Term Deposit and Demand Deposits [Part - 4]| Chapter - 5 Money |Class - 12 | #Successheat ||
Learning Concept:
1.Net Demand Deposits and Gross Demand Deposits.
2. Term Deposits and Demand Deposits.
#29 | Types of Money & Supply of Money [Part - 3]| Chapter - 5 Money |Class - 12 | #Successheat ||
Learning Concept:
1. Forms or Types of money.
2. Meaning of Supply of Money.
3. Component of Supply of Money.
#28 | Role of Barter System of Exchange [Part - 2]| Chapter - 5 Money |Class - 12 | #Successheat ||
Learning Concept:
1.Meaning and Drawbacks of Barter System of Exchange.
2. C-C Economy
#27 | Introduction of Money [Part - 1] | Chapter - 5 Money | Class - 12 | #Successheat ||
Learning Concept:
1.Meaning of Money.
2. Evolution of Money.
3. Function of money
Contact on Whatsapp Number: 9079293536 for notes and doubts.
Whatsapp Number for Problems: 90792-93536 (Yash Ramnani)