Asking the wrong questions at a JW convention - Cedars' vlog no. 118

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Hilarity ensues when a Dutch film crew visits a Jehovah's Witness convention and find themselves escorted from the premises for asking the wrong questions about Watchtower's stance on homosexuality.

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It wasn't the questions that the reporter was asking that caused him to be asked to leave, it was his tight pants.


Last time I had JWs knock on the door I calmly listened to them a little before asking if they are regular pioneers, auxiliary pioneers or special pioneers. They visibly jumped. I went on to explain that I'm a Principal Scientist, how I'm alive today because I was given many blood transfusions after birth, and offered to talk with them (but not here at my house) about both the nature of knowledge, how science works and suggested that they might like to understand how atheists like me enjoy such happy and meaningful lives, and suggested this helps everyone live better with one another. These poor brainwashed terrified people looked at me as if I'd just levitated to eat insects and scampered upside down backwards across the ceiling on my fingers and toes while my head spun all the way around, and actually went running away while I followed them down the driveway asking them to come back so we can have a talk sometime.


I feel the true spirit of Jehovah in these conventions. Just don't ask questions that will get you're ass kicked out the convention! Can you feel the love?


This is very interesting. I mean he didn't seem to be disrespectful or anything. What basis did they have for tossing him out?


Odd how trying to ask someone to defend their position on something is seen as "causing turmoil".


My neighbors are JW....they always celebrate birthdays and Holidays....except they do it on other days of the
I smile at


".. Your implied invitation is hereby revoked.." Is this a reality show about vampires? :oD


I'm still waiting for the video where Sophia's mother tells her to preach to her classmates about the evils of braided pigtails (elaborate hairstyles) and gold jewelry.


Why were they kicking out the guy who was asking (not judgmentally, ironically) about their beliefs? Are they ashamed to elucidate them so boldly? Is it embarrassing when they know that the public will watch it?


John, as an ex-JW I really love your videos but personally I have always hated watching these kind of "gotcha" interviews at conventions. It just takes me back to having to deal with that while going the conventions with my family as a kid. It was uncomfortable enough walking around in suit and tie with my parents as a teenager, but having people outside the doors of the conventions with signs and cameras made it far worse.

I respect what you do a lot more in making thoughtful, informative videos to educate people rather than accost people in front of a camera (not saying that is what you are doing, I understand this is a media outlet). I just don't think the way to educate people is to publicly shame them. One could agrue that JW's invade other's privacy by going to their doorstep and that they shame people in their own ways and I agree, but I'm just sharing my opinion. When it boils down to it, I feel empathy and pity for a lot of these indoctrinated people and I feel like your approach is far more effective than interviews such as this.

Not trying to be off-topic, just adding my general thoughts to the conversation.


The whole world is seeing how strange and out of step Watchtower's religion really is.


Your videos are like therapy! I only discovered your blog and videos a year ago, but I've been out for about 10 years.

I spent several years learning about Orthodox Jewry while in Oregon, I felt it necessary because of how JW's impose their struggle as the struggle of the Israelites... and I learned so much. It reminded me of the early Christians who superimposed some of their holidays over pagan ones. I would love to see a video on the JW's misinterpretation of blood law.


i dont understand what the issue is here. Im an ex witness so im not some jw apologist. But they believe what is written in the bible and the bible clearly states that homosexuality is wrong... so of course they are going to say its wrong. Whats the debate here? They are acting in line with what they believe.


They came to my door. I wlcomed them in. Then I very quietly escaped out the back door. Came back an hour later after visiting friends and they were gone. I sometime wonder how long they sat there in silence.


Haha. Poor guy walks away so defeated. I guess the gays are not welcome after all. It's so wonderful to see how much attention their latest cartoon is getting. Let's open up those closets people!


OBEY! Do NOT think for yourself. Do NOT ask questions. Only accept answers from authority, regardless of how immoral.


Awww what if people ask them the same questions at their "cart witnessing"😂😂😂


The funny thing is, throwing the reporter out only makes them come across as more cultish and creepy. And I loved the moustached fellow, he was one second from going into detail about anal sex.


I'm so glad JW's made this video for everyone to see, because now we have proof of what they ACTUALLY believe -- and not just the theocratic warfare double-speak they usually give to worldly people about how they love and accept ALL people. (Conveniently leaving out the part where no one will ever talk to them again if they actually enter into a homosexual relationship, after being baptized as a JW.)


I think revoking the invitation was justified. The interviewer's only interest was to frame the attendees as "homophobic", i.e. to generate turmoil.
